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Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated/Camp Scare: The Halloween Affair

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  • Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated/Camp Scare: The Halloween Affair

    Author's Note:

    Now this one is special. Originally, it was part of the WWOEC Forum Halloween Jam 2012 and it dealt with the theme of a love pumpkin spell gone awry. Written beforethe end of Mystery Incorpoated, it featured Marcie Trudy and Luke. Lets just say things are gonna get KINKY.

    The town of Crystal Cove was known in most circles in the U.S. for many different things. Aside from labeling itself “The Most Haunted Town in the World”, it was also known to have the most number of crimes committed by people in elaborate monster costumes, home to the former lab of Dr. Benton Quest and a hot spot for new and experienced mystery solvers to gather. It was also a place that was voted as number 15 in “Town with the Most Inept Police Force Ever” but it was not something Sheriff Stone ever wanted to discuss. However there was one event that the town always looked forward to with great anticipation and that was the Halloween Festival. Each year, a series of parties was held during the beloved holiday for all of the residents to enjoy, and the events varied from mini movie festivals to masquerade balls to even zombie movie trivia (an event that Shaggy excelled at.)

    But trying to top Shaggy at trivia was not what was on Sheriff Stone’s mind right now. The only other thing in his head, other than the thought of what he and Mayor Nettles would be doing that night together, was concerning the person he spied in the costume shop; Velma Dinkley. What was more surprising was the fact that she was not in the company of her band of ‘meddling kids’ as the criminal element so fondly called them.

    “Well, this is a surprise,” Stone said as he walked up to the teen, “normally you’d be in the company of Fred and the merry band of mischief seekers. You guys didn’t have another tiff, did you?”

    “I assure you, that’s not why I’m here,” Velma answered in slight annoyance, “and believe it or not, I have a life outside of the group. It’s not the first time I’ve done something in my own time you know.”

    “Yeah, I know but the last time you were outside of the group, it involved a certain CEO of a certain corrupt corporate entity.” Stone pointed out.

    “And I’ve been trying real hard to forget about it ever since. Believe me, working for him was not one of my fondest memories. But working with her however…”

    Velma motioned to the girl behind her. Sheriff Stone looked over her shoulder and spied the person in question; Marcy Fleach, aka Hot Dog Water, was busy looking at the costumes over on the wall, many of which were of questionable taste. “Maybe it’s me, but I don’t recall the original Snow White costume being this…revealing” Marcy observed.

    “I think these are more appropriate for, err, people my age,” Stone pointed out to Marcy, “and I’m taking a mental note of that one for a ‘friend’, let’s just leave it at that.”

    “Duly noted.” Marcy replied.

    “So, what are the rest of Mystery Inc doing anyway if you’re not with them?”

    “Fred and Daphne are attending a Halloween party out of town. Daphne insisted that they go, as her reasoning was that they didn’t get enough ‘alone time’ with one another.” Velma explained.

    “Given how often they are paired alone whenever you guys split up during the investigations, I find that incredibly hard to believe.” Marcy scoffed.

    “Ditto.” agreed Stone.

    “Shaggy and Scooby went off with Vincent Van Ghoul to attend a Ghostbusters movie marathon and then a video game session of the Ghostbusters game. I think the fact that there is a giant manifestation of a god as a 100 foot marshmallow man appeals to them.”

    “That reminds me of the time in 9th grade where you actually tried to make a proton pack of your very own.” Stone recalled.

    “It would have worked if you hadn’t stopped me.”

    “You would have blown up half of the school if I didn’t.”

    “While I would like to know more about how you even got enough materials to attempt to make something like that,” Marcy interrupted, “I need to remind you that we need to get to the mall soon. I think your friends from camp may be there.”

    “Oh, that’s right, you and the others were counselors at Fred’s old camp, what was it called…”

    “Camp Little Moose.” Velma informed him. “Well, It’s Camp Little Big Moose now, after what happened.”

    “It amazes me how a mobster was able to pass himself off as just another camper or how so well hidden that town was.” Marcy observed.

    “What amazes me was how good of a driver Scooby was.”

    “Scooby? A driver?” Stone cocked an eyebrow.

    “Hey, he can drive a mean forklift.” Velma pointed out.

    “You got me there. Who are these people anyway, fellow counselors?”

    “More like protégés.” Velma said. If Velma had elected to reveal more, they were, for a couple of nights, more than that…

    “Wow, this mall is pretty big!” Luke whistled as he walked through the entrance of the Crystal Cove mall. At his side was a girl he had kept in touch with ever since a certain summer in Camp Little Big Moose; the bespeckled Trudy walked along with him, carefully studying a map of the shopping center. She had on her signature purple hoodie and shorts, but unlike when he first met her, she kept the hood down. Trudy found that it actually caught Luke’s attention and it pleased her.

    “If I told you the sheer number of shops in here dedicated to the paranormal, you jaw would drop.” Trudy stated. “And guess how many of them have sales relating to Halloween.”

    “I’m not surprised. This whole town seems to be one giant tourist trap.” Luke replied. “Too bad it’s not as scenic as that other town I visited.”

    “Oh yeah, how was Gravity Falls?”

    “Fun. Really, REALLY odd but kind of fun.” Luke looked at his watch and said “We should be meeting up with Velma and her friend soon. Have any ideas what we should do to pass the time?”

    “One, but I don’t see any empty cabins.” Trudy joked. Luke had to stifle a giggle. “I wonder where your mind goes sometimes.”

    “Believe me, it’s nowhere near as kinky as you want it to be.” Trudy said. “But let’s go there and get a bite to eat before we do anything.” Trudy pointed to a small cart manned by a large bearded man with, oddly enough, a false nose. “Good day to ya, scallywags!! Can I interest ya in some clam flavored vittles?”

    “Did…did he refer to us as scallywags?” a bewildered Luke asked.

    “I didn’t even know people still used that term.”

    “Don’t worry, young ones, I tend to call people by many colorful names! Welcome to Shelton’s Clam Cart! I have to admit, getting used to serving landlubbers in a place such as this is rather daunting, but it’s nothing an ol’ salt like me can handle. Can I interest ya in some clam popcorn? Or how about a local favorite, the Clam Sundae Surprise?”

    “Is there anything in your menu that doesn’t contain clam?” Trudy asked cautiously.

    “The Clam Loaf has fewer clams in it than required.” Shelton offered.

    “There you two are! I was wondering if we’d find you.” The voice was a welcome one to both of the teen’s ears as they turned around to be greeted to the welcome sight of Velma and her companion, Marcy. “I thought you’d know better than to eat something like that.”

    “When you’re hungry, sometimes desperation takes over,” Luke admitted. “Is this Hot Dog Water?”

    “Yes, but please feel free to call me Marcy,” she corrected him. “I get a lot of strange questions when people use that name.”

    “I’m guessing your family had some ties to the fast food industry.” Trudy guessed. “Anyway, what should we do first?”

    “We need to select our costumes for the party tonight, so I think it’s optimal we check out a couple of stores here for the best ones.” Marcy informed the group.

    “Sounds like a plan.” Velma agreed. Luke raised his hand and said to the 3 girls “If it’s ok with you, I already have a costume chosen.”

    “Really?” Marcy said, a look of surprise on her usually unsurprisable
    face. “Velma wasn’t joking when she said you are always prepared. What did you get?”

    “Sorry, it’s a surprise.” He answered, “But I do need to get a jack-o’-lantern for the party. A nice, bug one if it can be found.”

    “Believe it or not,” Velma began, “there is a pumpkin patch right in the back of the mall. He owners had made it a few years ago when the town was in danger of losing the one on the outskirts. You may be able to find what you’re looking for there. And it sure as heck beats hitching a ride all the way north on a buggy.”

    “Cool, I’ll check it out!” The young man quickly darted towards the rear entrance of the mall as Trudy observed “I think his parents may have put 50ccs of pure sugar into his milk when he was a baby.”

    “Indeed. “ Marcy agreed. “So then, let’s see what the stores have for us.”

    “Velma wasn’t kidding. These are some pretty huge pumpkins!” Luke whistled as he saw the pumpkin patch of the mall before him. The patch itself wasn’t two large, it was a most the size of a small baseball field. The pumpkins, however, were a different manner. The average pumpkin that was usually bought was around the 8-15 pound mark, but Luke saw pumpkins that were well over 40 growing. One in particular, which had an adorning label with the words “King Pumpkin” on it, had to be literally hoisted onto the back of a 4x4 by a large wench. “I wonder who gets that behemoth.” Luke asked himself.

    “Oh, that’s going to the Blake family”. Luke looked to his right to see a man, wearing black slacks with an orange work shirt, standing by with a shovel in hand. “They’ve been pretty busy getting all sorts of decorations for that fancy soiree of theirs. The mom insisted on getting the biggest pumpkins we got and the King there is the crown jewel in their collection. A pity really, that pumpkin drew in all sorts of buyers.”

    “I can see. You got a lot of big ones here though, that’s kind of unusual.” Luke observed.

    “Oh, not really,” the clerk explained “as some of us used to be employees for Destroido Industries. After the boss left, most of the guys who worked in genetics came back to Crystal Cove and applied their skills to menial labor. Mine was in plant growth and cultivation. It’s refreshing to know my work is appreciated by the public instead of being used for ill-gotten gains.” The clerk twirled his shovel playfully as he asked Luke “So, what can I interest you in today?”

    “Well, I’ve been looking for a unique pumpkin to purchase for a Halloween part.” Said Luke, “but I’m not too sure which one to get.”

    “Funny you should say that. There’s a pumpkin here that may be that you’re looking for. Thing is, I’ve never seen it before in my life.” The clerk then motioned for Luke to follow him and led the teen to a small shed where, situated in the middle stood a black pumpkin. “It just popped in there one day and I’ve had the damndest idea trying to figure out where it could have come from. Near as I can tell, it’s got nothing toxic in it and it smells normal. But I keep on getting an odd feeling about it, as if the things waiting on you to do something, you know what I mean?”

    “Kind of,” Luke answered, staring intently at the pumpkin. He couldn’t explain it, but he had felt kind of drawn to the large vegetable. “Maybe its best if I take it off your hands.”

    “Nah, I’m not too sure if I SHOULD sell it.” The clerk sighed. “I’ve seen enough horror movies to know if I did, no doubt things would go horribly wrong and I’d either get blamed for it or horribly killed by the Plant Monster from Planet X.”

    “I saw that movie. Shaggy said it was one of Vincent van Ghoul’s best.”

    “I’ll take his word for it. Anyway, if you want to take a closer look at it, go ahead. But I’d reconsider getting another one.” The clerk walked away, leaving the curious Luke to examine the black pumpkin. As Luke held it up on his hands, he noticed it was considerably lighter than he thought, but it was firm in his grasp. “Maybe Trudy would like this one.”

    Trudy. The girl was on his mind a lot. Ever since the summer camp incident, the two have kept in contact with one another via email or video chat. He didn’t want to admit it but he felt remarkably happier whenever he was with her now. Of course, those two nights he shared with Trudy and Velma (and, to his surprise, Daphne) were not going to be erased from his mind anytime in the near future. It wasn’t every summer that a young man could learn how to be ‘intimate’ with a female, especially one who was like Trudy or Velma. The fact that she was very knowledgeable of such things was what filled some of his fantasies when he found himself very ‘wound up’ in the middle of the night.
    As he continued to gaze at the pumpkin and reflect on his past liaisons, two young teens, both wearing skater gear, wandered behind him, looking at the other pumpkins. “Ok dude, I think this one right here will be perfect. Dave and Sandy will love it, I’m sure.”

    “I don’t know, it’s a bit small man. Well, compared to the others.”

    “Don’t worry about it, it’ll be fine. I just wish we could have gotten here sooner. There was one I saw that looked GNARLY.”

    “I did not know you use that word.”

    “Whatever. “

    “At least we got to see some cute girls in glasses today!”

    Luke’s ears perked up. They must be talking about Velma and the others, he surmised.

    “Oh, I guess they’re alright, if you’re into girls like that.”

    “Dude, there’s nothing wrong with an intelligent cute girl, trust me. The other girl, Trudy I think her name is, she has that quiet beauty going about her. I get the vibe she’s taken though.”

    “What about Hot Dog Water?”

    “Oh she’s cool. Kind of a dry wit going down with her. I knew her back in high school. We didn’t talk a whole lot but she was good with computers when it counted.”

    “Ah. But Hot Dog Water?”

    “A family thing. But that other girl she was with, WOW. I’m sorry but whatever she’s holding back underneath that sweater of hers, she’s gotta let it out.”

    “You do know it’s the fall right?”

    “You get what I mean. Oh man, what was her name.”

    “Velma. Velma Dinkley.” Luke answered. Wait, why did I say that?

    “Oh, you know them?”

    “Yeah, she’s a friend of mine from camp. She taught me and Trudy a lot.” Luke explained.

    “Sweet. Well, catch ya on the flipside kid, we’re gonna see if we can score some pumpkins elsewhere. Later bro!” The two skaters departed the pumpkin patch as Luke looked again at the pumpkin, a befuddled look on him. He had an odd feeling about the pumpkin, but he could not place his finger on it precisely. “You know, it might be better if I do just leave it here.” Luke concluded as he set it back in place. But as he did so, he was unaware of the dull glow that resonated from the pumpkin itself.

    “So, what do you think of this one? I think it suits me quite well.” Marcy held up the costume she picked out to the gaze of Velma and Trudy; a pair of brown shorts with a dark green t-shirt accompanied by a gun holster with two fake 9MM pistols. Velma raised an eyebrow as Trudy asked “Uh, do you think it’s a bit much for you?”

    “Oh not at all. I’ve been in skintight suits before, this would be a welcome change,” Marcy explained, ”plus I do have quite the slim figure if I do say so myself.”

    “And it’s nowhere near as sheer as yours,” Velma said as she looked at the one that Trudy held in her hands, “or is there another reason why you chose that one.”

    “It just speaks to me, ok? It was either this costume or the purple unicorn one. And I don’t even want to consider the cheerleader outfit.”

    “Sounds to me like you have another reason for picking that one.” Velma teased. Marcy raised an eyebrow. “Do I sense a Velma deduction coming online?”

    “Ok, MAYBE I want to try to keep Luke’s attention.” Trudy admitted. “Ah yes, Luke, the young stud.” Velma laughed. As she did so, suddenly, a thought made its way into Velma’s head. She didn’t know why, but she started thinking of the young teen quite fondly. He was a bit of an overly eager scout, something like Fred, but he was generally good hearted. He was kind of handsome…and his touch was very confident…

    “Uh Velma?”

    …and the way he rubbed your body was endearing, like that of a caring Greek God…


    …and how could she forget the way his tongue moved in and out of her—


    “Huh? Oh, sorry, I had a Greek romance on my mind.” Velma said to Marcy. “What were we talking about?”

    “Our choices of costumes for this evening’s festivities. In particular, the one you have in your hands.” Marcy pointed to the one in her hands, and Velma saw she was holding onto one quite tightly. “Oh this? kind of like the Catholic Schoolgirl look?”

    “Funny, I figured you’d go for the Einstein approach.” Trudy said.

    “Hey, some of us can’t help but want to look sexy. Um, I’m gonna go and try this one on. You two just wait here, this could take a while.”

    “Ok, 20 minutes?” Trudy sighed. “I don’t know if anyone could be that much of a worrywart about their looks.”

    “This is Velma we’re talking about. She once kicked a gravestone over in frustration when she thought Shaggy wasn’t taking her to the dance.”

    “Wait, she went out with SHAGGY?” Trudy said in shock. “Oh, it was a long time ago,” Marcy told her, “but ultimately she felt that she was better off being a good friend rather than a girlfriend with him. Shaggy’s nice and all but, frankly, he’s got issues.”

    “Scooby, right?”

    “That’s just one. Still it was a learning experience for her, at least that was what she told me.”

    “I hear. You still hang out a lot with her?”

    “When I can. She needs a life outside of her mystery group you know. One of the problems they had was trusting others. They were so tightly bound together, any interaction that they had with anyone else bordered on distrustful or distant. Believe me, they could have been a lot worse.”

    Of course, Marcy did not want to burden Trudy with another lingering thought; the nature of her friendship with Velma. This was something even she could not precisely explain. Velma was possibly the best friend that Marcy ever had; they had quite a lot in common. But there was something more to it, a rather unique and intimate one. Marcy could not picture herself being away from Velma for an extended amount of time and it was killing her that she could not properly assess this.

    “This is taking WAY too long. I’m going to see what’s wrong.”

    As Marcy made her way down the small hallway where the changing rooms were, she took note of which door was the one she was looking for; it was the only shut door located at the very end of the area. Walking briskly past the other wide open doors, she determined that she would just knock quickly and make sure that everything was ok. Maybe Velma was being self-conscious about the outfit, or maybe she was trying to will herself into buying it. As she made her way to the door, she heard a gasp emanating from within. “I have a strange feeling about this.” she said to herself. Quietly she tiptoed over and noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Discreetly she cracked the door open and peered inside. What she saw made her silently gasp.

    Velma was on the bench in the changing room, wearing the schoolgirl costume. But not in the manner in which it should be; her legs were spread wide open and her panties hung on one ankle. The shirt was open, exposing her breasts to anyone who would look at them if they were there to see them. One hand was furiously at work rubbing and pinching her left breast as the other was put to work on her pussy, spreading it wide open as she pumped two of her fingers in and out of it rapidly. Her head was arched back and eyes clenched shut as she was lost in a world of undeniably lust, her panting becoming heavier. As Marcy saw this unfold before her, she whispered the only thing that could possibly come to mind: “Holy crap.” It was one thing to keep your friends waiting while you were trying a costume on. But it was another to do so by sexually pleasuring yourself in the costume you have yet to purchase. Of course, the reason why she did so was lost to Marcy, until…

    “Mmm, Luke...”

    Ok, THAT was out of nowhere, Marcy thought.

    “Come on Luke, fuck me!” Velma moaned “fuck me as hard as you just fucked Trudy! Give me all of your cock baby!” Her tongue slid across her lips as she lifted one leg onto the bench and leaned back, continuing to go deeper and deeper into sexual frenzy. Marcy, her mouth slightly agape, could not wretch her eyes away from the sight that was before her. I never knew she was capable of this, she thought to herself. Well, not really, she DID come onto Shaggy pretty strongly in their previous relationship, but not at a level like this as far as she knew. And to be fantasizing about Luke of all people, who would have suspected that she had a thing for younger guys. If anything, she should be thinking about me-- oh my God, I’m jealous of Luke right now.
    Marcy did not want to admit it, but the little voice in her head was right about two things: one was that she was envious of any person that Velma had any romantic interest in. The other was even worse; she was really, REALLY getting turned on at the sight of Velma fucking herself silly. Her options were either to rip the door open and dive right between Velma’s legs or get Velma out of there as quickly as possible.

    Right now, option 2 was preferable.

    Silently closing the door, Marcy took a deep breath then raised her hand and knocked briskly at the door. A noticeable “Yelp” came from the confines of the dressing room as Marcy coughed out “Velma? Are you ok?”

    “HUH? Oh, Marcy! Uh, yeah, ev-everything’s good.”

    “GOOD!! I mean, yes, that’s nice to hear. Is the, um, costume, acceptable?”

    “Oh, totally. I think it’ll do very nicely.”

    “Ok, we’re about ready to leave now. You ready to go?”

    “Yes, give me 5 minutes to clean up—uh I mean dress up.” Velma nervously shot back.

    “Sure, sure, 5 minutes will be enough.” Marcy sighed. Something very peculiar was happening today.

    “So, is she ok in there?” Trudy asked as Marcy returned. Marcy gulped, not sure if stating what she saw was what she wanted Trudy to know about. “In a matter of speaking she’s calmer now.” Marcy replied.

    “Oh good. I remember the 2nd day of camp, when we went swimming. She came out in this one piece white bathing suit that made all of the guys drop their jaws, even Fred. I can’t imagine her being self-conscious about her body.”

    “Sister you have no idea.”


    “Nothing, nothing. Say Trudy, did anything else happen between you, Velma and Luke while you were at camp?” Marcy asked.

    Oh crap, did she find out?, Trudy thought to herself. She was certain that the events of those two nights were only meant to be between them and Daphne. There was no way she could know, unless...”Well, we MAY have snuck out one night for a taco run with Shaggy…”

    “Oh, there you are! Look at what I found!” It was at this time, fortunately, that Luke showed up with a rather impressive looking pumpkin in his arms. “I think they’ll love this one.”

    “Pretty nice, if I do say so myself.” Trudy observed “but I was hoping you’d find something a little more, well, unique.”

    “I kind of did see something,” Luke answered, “but it didn’t sit right with me. It was a really weird black pumpkin.”

    Marcy’s ears perked up. “Wait, a black pumpkin?”

    “Yeah, the clerk said he never seen anything like it. Apparently it just came out of nowhere and he was kind of nervous about selling it to anyone.” At that moment, Velma showed up, the costume of her choice in hand. “Black pumpkin? Hmm, sounds kinky—err I mean kooky. Yes, kooky.”

    “Right…” Marcy sweat dropped. “So, what now?”

    “I’m gonna drop this pumpkin off and then go back to the hotel and change.” Luke stated. Are we meeting up at 7?”

    “Definitely.” Trudy responded.

    “I, uh, may be a little late,” Velma nervously said. “I REALLY need to take a nap. What about you Marcy?”

    “There’s a bit of research I need to do. I may be late as well, but not by much hopefully.

    “All right then! I think it’s gonna be one unforgettable night.” Luke smiled.

    If my hunch is correct it will be indeed, Marcy thought to herself.

    There were many things that Angie Dinkley enjoyed in her spare time. Other than keeping the museum that she and her husband had built in tip top shape, she liked keeping tabs on Velma’s exploits, via her blog or just by questioning her. The other thing she really enjoyed was researching the supernatural. And it was quite refreshing to get a request to do so on Halloween. The elder Dinkley carefully thumbed through the pages of her rather large book as she sat at the reception desk, her eyes scanning for the juicy tidbit she needed to spot.

    While she browsed, the door to the museum opened up with a ding and Trudy walked in. If anyone were to see Trudy now, they would take note of the costume she had on: a skintight, black leotard accompanied by a blue hood and small boots. Angie looked up from her book and noted “we don’t get many superheroes in these parts, you know.”

    “I noticed.” Trudy replied. “Uh, is Velma here?”

    “I think she’s upstairs, Trudy. She ran in here and said she needed to take a quick nap. Poor thing looked really sweaty too.”

    “That’s kind of…unusual.” Trudy put her hand to her chin. “Come to think of it, she was kind of acting slightly off when she was at the costume shop today. Oh, what’s that you’re reading?”

    “Hot Dog Water had called me a while ago. She had asked me to look up any information on black pumpkins. I didn’t know what she meant, but that’s when I got a hunch…AHA! Here we go. Citrouille d’Amour.”

    “It’s just as I feared.” The voice came from Marcy, who had walked into the museum, dressed in her Lara Croft outfit.

    “Wow. You really do fill out that outfit.” Trudy observed.

    “I prefer your assessment to the constant cat calls I got on the way here. Anyway, when Luke mentioned the black pumpkin to us and after factoring Velma’s rather, uh, odd behavior, I distinctively remember hearing about a legend concerning a black pumpkin and the goddess of love. In old legends, there is something that is supposed to show up once a year, Citrouille d’Amour.”

    Angie read from her book in a hushed tone “It says here that the Citrouille d’Amour was created by Aphrodite herself, as a means to spread love to mankind on the day associated with mankind’s worst fears, known as All Hallows Eve. The offspring would appear in patches around the world to spread its magic. All one has to do is say the name of the person you desire and it’ll activate, causing that person to fall in love with you.”

    “And sadly enough, I think that Velma may have designs on Luke.” Marcy told the two. “Wait, LUKE?” Trudy exclaimed in shock. “Why him?”

    “I can only conclude it was an accident. However, that’s only part of the problem. I looked at some local news reports and it seems like there may be a deeper problem. A friend of mine in Mellowbrook said that something really odd was happening.” Marcy then adjusted her glasses as she continued “and if from what I’m hearing is true, something happened to the pumpkins that will seriously affect those who it enchants.”

    “Ok, so if we don’t want Velma to be tearing off Luke’s clothes, we need to destroy that pumpkin.” Trudy concluded. I mean, that’s what we have to do, right?”

    “That’s the most logical conclusion.” Marcy agreed. “Mrs. Dinkley, you need to keep Velma here while we go in the mall and destroy that pumpkin. Where is Velma?”

    “She’s upstairs in her room now, taking a nap. But she’s been…awfully…quiet...” The 3 females each shot one another knowing looks. “Ok, change of plans,” Angie said “you two go upstairs and find out where my now apparently very horny daughter ran off to. I’m going to the mall. Oh and hand me the mallet over there.”

    “Maybe I should have dyed my hair black.” Luke said to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror. Opting to go for what he called a ‘retro’ feel, he adjusted the black yank top and green boxer shorts he had on. Luke was a fan of Punch-Out, and he jumped at the chance to dress up as Little Mac this year. As he went for the green boxing gloves on his dresser drawer, he heard a knock on his door. “Hmm, not expecting anyone to show up. Hope it’s nothing bad.” Luke walked over to the door to his hotel room and opened the door casually. Before him stood Velma, in a rather fetching school girl outfit, exposing her midriff. The red and black skirt was a bit shorter but contrasted well with the white thigh-high stockings. “Well, hello there, handsome. Aren’t you looking a bit…rugged?” Velma purred.

    “I guess you could say that. I kind of have been trying to work out more.” Luke said. “And it shows.” Velma answered as she squeezed his arms a bit. She slyly looked Luke up and down as he asked Velma “Where are the others?”

    “Don’t worry, we’ll meet up with them at the party. I volunteered to escort you there myself, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost.”

    “Uh…sure.” That last sentence was odd, as he already knew how to get to the party by himself.

    “However,” Velma continued “there is one tiny little task we have to take care of before we get to the party. We need to make a slight detour.”

    “Ok, this is a really odd detour.” Luke cautiously said as he stood at the house before him. It was a nice looking 2 story average suburban home, if by nice you mean haunting. The windows were all boarded up and not a speck of light could be seen coming from anywhere.

    “Don’t worry, it’s still relatively safe to inhabit.” Velma assured him. The windows have yet to be installed properly. And the insides are nice and sterile.”

    “I should ask why that last part is important…” Luke started but Velma gave him a small push on the back “Oh don’t be a worrywart. Just step inside, we’ve got to get this done right away.”

    “Well, I suppose. The sooner we get done here the sooner we can get to the party.” Luke concluded. The young man stepped up to the porch and, carefully, pushed the door open. The front hallway was clear, as far as he could tell, and the first room he looked into, the living room, had only a couch in it. But before he could register a thought, he heard the door slam shut. Turning around, he saw Velma locking the door.”

    “Uh, Velma?”

    “Sorry I had to go through such measures to get you here, but I didn’t want us to get interrupted at the hotel.” The tone of her voice was unmistakable; it was of one who had very amorous intents in their minds. Velma slowly turned around, a lascivious grin on her face. “See, I have been feeling a bit, shall we say, EMPTY. ever since those nights we had those lesson I gave to you and Trudy. And today, I think, is a prime time for you to fill that emptiness.”

    “With what?” Luke asked nervously.

    “That huge cock of yours for starters.”

    “Yeah, I walked right into that one.” Luke sighed.

    “So, I could spout off some nonsense about how much I love you and want to be yours forever and ever, but I’m not Daphne. I’m for the more direct approach. So tell me, Luke…” Velma then lifted her skirt to show the extent of her feelings at that time; she had on no panties and was already soaking wet “Any ideas yet?”

    “Just one really.” And with that, Luke shot up right towards the staircase, banked a hard right at the top and dove into the first room he went into. Slamming the door shut behind him, he pushed a spare chair against the door knob and sighed. “Ok. This ought to slow her down. I don’t know what’s gotten into her, but if I don’t do something I’m practically RAPED. I think I can kick the boards in and maybe—“

    Before Luke could even work out the next crucial step in his plan, the door was pulled open and the chair harmlessly fell to the floor as Velma stood before him, a crazed smile on her face. “Playing hard to get will only make me hornier you know. And for the record, I chose this house because of the fact that all the doors are like this.”

    “Oh nuts.” Without a second thought, Velma literally threw herself at the young man, tackling him to the ground. The young man barely got a word in before he found himself with a mouthful of Velma, or to be specific, her tongue. The older woman fiercely French kissed him as her hands roamed all over his body, groping his buttocks and soon enough, his groin. Luke was quite bewildered. Something was causing Velma to do this, but it was unclear just what. For now, he had to do something to slow her down. “Wait, Velma, I-uh, I don’t have any condoms or anything.”

    “Oh don’t worry. I wouldn’t mind bearing your children. And I do swallow.” Velma responded as she slid her hand down into his shorts, slowly grasping his cock and stroking it tenderly.

    Crap, not what I needed to hear. “Wait you swallow—what am I saying?! Man, where’s a superhero when you really needed one?”

    It wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but his wish was soon granted; the boarded up window was destroyed by a very sudden and forceful kick. Emerging from the hail of splintered wood was the figure of Trudy as she rolled across the floor, directly across from the two. She brushed off her hood and gasped out “WOW! That hood really does come in handy!”

    “Trudy? How’d you find me? What’s going on? And wow do you look hot in that!”

    “Really?” Thanks.” she said, blushing. Turning to confront her mentor, Trudy told her “Ok Velma lets calm down and relax. This isn’t you and I think you know it…”

    “Like hell I will. I’ve been aching for some man meat ever since we left that mall and I’m not letting you get in the way. And just how the hell did you break the windows like that?”

    “I zip lined my way through.”

    “Wow. Who knew you’d actually put it to good use?” Luke whistled.

    “I’m sorry, Trudy, but there’s only one girl good enough for Luke and it’s not you. And you actually think you can take me head on?”

    “Who says I’m alone?” Trudy smiled. It was at that moment that a bolo wrapped itself around Velma’s ample frame. Marcy sighed in relief as she said to Trudy “Thanks for the distraction.”

    “No problem.” Trudy replied, “So all we have to do now is wait for Mrs. Dinkley to smash that pumpkin and we’re in the clear. Let’s get Velma somewhere safe and wait”

    There was one problem with that plan however, as the group soon learned. With not so much as a warning, Velma grunted and, with great strength, broke out of her bonds. She faced off with Marcy, shooting her a determined look. “Luke’s mine, damn it and you’re not getting in my way!”

    “Sorry Velms, but I’m taking you down for your own good! I have an extensive knowledge of CQC.”

    “Really? Funny, I have an extensive knowledge of whooping ass.”

    “Bring. It. ON!!” Marcy assumed a stance as Velma dived towards her friend, arm raised for a devastating blow. At the very last second…her body went limp as she fell into Marcy’s arms.

    “Uh, what just happened?” sheepishly asked Luke. Trudy smiled and said “I believe Mrs. Dinkley just solved our problem.”


    “Isn’t this an odd turn of events?” Angie observed as she scanned the dimly lit area of the pumpkin patch. The only sources of lights came from the many scattered Jack’ O Lanterns that littered the landscape. The place was eerily quiet, just like the mall itself which seemed to be devoid of customers. Angie didn’t put much stock into it as she spotted the very thing she was meant to destroy; the black pumpkin sat, as it was left, on its perch in the shed. As she approached it, Angie saw that there was a dull, menacing pink glow all about it, its sinister aura seemingly calling out to her. “All right, time to make some pumpkin pie the old fashioned way!”

    “Oh, thank God! A human!” Angie turned to see the clerk coming towards her. However, he was what is best described as a state of controlled panic; his uniform had streaks of blood all over it and in his hands was a bloody shovel. Strapped to his belt was a hatchet, also soaked in blood, and a smoking .45 pistol. “I could sure use your help.”

    “Um, sure, but can it wait until I destroy this pumpkin? It’s causing my daughter to madly lust after a friend of hers.”

    “Wait, is that what that thing does? Phew, that takes a load off of my mind! Yeah, go ahead, take a whack at it.”

    “Thank you dearie!” Angie then smiled and hoisted her mallet over her head. With tremendous force and power that would make even a certain Norse deity that wielded lightning happy, she smashed the black pumpkin into pieces, sending out a shockwave of energy everywhere. Angie twirled the mallet as she asked “So, what happened to you?”

    “Some dumbass at Darrow read from the Necronomicron and raised the dead here! I KNEW there was an ancient graveyard built on this site but NOOO, they wanted their damn pumpkin patch so very much!”

    “Ok calm down. How many are left and who else is with you?”

    “Well, aside from a couple of clerks and some photographer, there’s the janitor. And he’s kind of good at this.”

    Nearby a couple of shotgun blasts could be heard as a distinctively Latin voice bellowed “YOU JUST MESSED WITH THE WRONG MEXICAN!” along with what could be best described as the sound of something splattering in the background. Angie hefted the mallet in her hands. “Oh well. A mother’s work is never done.

    “Velma? Velma? You ok now?”

    The brunette groaned as she woke up, finding herself in the arms of Marcy. Looking ahead of her, she saw that Trudy was kneeling next to Luke on the floor, both in their respective costumes. “Ah, my head…what in the world’s going on?”

    “Strictly speaking, you were mesmerized by a black pumpkin into falling for Luke over there and tried to sexually have your way with him.” Marcy stated.

    “Oh. That would explain why I feel a draft below. Just how far did I take it?”

    “You had your hand in his shorts.” Trudy said.

    “That bad huh?”

    “I have to say though, I found your assertive side to be quite…stimulating.” Marcy admitted.

    “I wish I could say the same,” Luke responded, “but then again, I don’t think I would get used to the idea of having a woman chase me down just to get into my pants.”

    “Really? Seems to me like you enjoyed all the attention” Trudy said as she pointed downwards. Luke glanced down, seeing that Trudy was pointing to the rather large bulge which was poking up in his shorts. His face becoming beet red, Luke rubbed the back of his head and relied “The costume you have on may also be a factor, you know.”

    “I was hoping you’d notice.”

    “How could I not? You’re a wonderful girl Trudy, really. I like you, a lot, there’s no doubt about that.”

    “Yeah, I know but I wasn’t too sure. I am kind of new to this thing and I needed conformation for myself.” Trudy explained.

    “Come on, what more do you need?”

    “This.” And with that, Trudy pounced on top of Luke, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him. The passionate display of affection was returned with full force by Luke as he allowed her to push him to the ground, placing his hands on either side of her butt checks as she did so. Marcy could only watch with a look of shock as Velma said “Whoa. The two of them are even more into it when they were at camp. I guess there’s a thing to be said about animal magnetism.”

    “Just what happened to you guys at that camp anyway?” Marcy inquired. “Uh, it’s a funny story,” Velma began to explain “but it’s probably better if I just show you.”

    “Wait, what?”

    Velma turned around and before Marcy had known it, Velma kissed her tightly on the lips. After a few seconds, Velma broke away and said “Look, I just wanted you to know you’re a really, REALLY good friend. I didn’t want to admit it but I find you really attractive and it’s probably a little freaky that another girl has the hots for you, I mean—“

    “Shut up and kiss me, Dinkley.” Marcy growled as she moved in and returned the favor, grasping Velma’s chin and giving her a deep, sensual French kiss of her own. The two remained lip locked for a minute before breaking it off and gazing into each other’s eyes. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking right now?” Velma asked.

    “That depends. Does it involve me taking advantage of the fact that you’re not wearing underwear right now?” Marcy said as she placed her hand underneath Velma’s skirt. A shiver shot up Velma’s spine as Marcy traced her hand up and down Velma’s lower lips, taking note of the effect that it had on her, which was almost instantaneous. “Oh you devilish little minx,” Velma purred, “but I suspect I may not be the only one going commando.” And with that Velma grabbed the bottom of Marcy’s shirt and hiked it up, exposing Marcy’s bare breasts to the world. “Uh, well, I kinda thought wearing a bra wouldn’t be right with the Lara Croft outfit and, well...”

    “I’m glad you didn’t” Velma said as she placed a hand on one of them. They were slightly smaller than Velma’s but still just as sensitive, as she soon found out as she began rubbing it. Velma and Marcy then began to resume their kissing session as each of them continued to work on the others private areas.

    While this was going on, Trudy and Luke continued their make out session. Trudy, how had long since tossed aside her hood, looked over at was happening a few feet from her and then looked back at Luke. “You’re getting turned on by that as much as I am?” she gasped out.

    “Completely. Ok, you rubbing up against my dick kinda helps too.”

    “I would hope so. Trudy raised her body up as Luke slid his shorts down and off of his legs, allowing his cock to spring upwards to life before her. The young girl smiled as she grasped it with one hand and stroked it slowly. With the other hand, she grasped the bottom of her leotard and pulled it aside, exposing her pussy to Luke’s eyes. It was literally dripping wet as Trudy informed him “You have no idea how many guys probably dreamed of a moment like this you know.”

    “Uh, what about the party?”

    “That can wait. This can’t however.”

    Rubbing the head of his cock against her waiting snatch, Trudy gulped and slowly sat down, taking every inch of his manhood into her. A brief shot of pain shot into her, but it was soon replaced by a sense of utter bliss as she straddled his hips.

    “Damn!! I forgot just how good this felt.” Luke uttered, grabbing either side of her hips. Looking down, Trudy said to the eager lover “Let me remind you.” Slowly she began moving her hips up and down, enjoying the sensation of his cock moving around inside of her. Luke began thrusting his hips upwards at the same time, trying to match her rhythm and get as much pleasure out of it as possible.

    Meanwhile, Marcy and Velma’s own love making continued; Velma had long since removed Marcy’s shorts and had the other girl lying on the floor, her face in between Marcy’s legs. Marcy continued to moan in pleasure as Velma’s tongue ravished her clit with such a fierce determination, lesser women would have succumbed to it long ago. At the same time, Marcy continued to rub her own breasts, enhancing her stimulation further. “Oh GOD!!” Marcy gasped, “Velma, you’re GOOD!”

    “What can I say, I’m a natural some things,” Velma grinned, “but I do believe in shared experiences.”


    “Allow me to demonstrate.” Velma then got up and shifted her body, placing her body, ass first directly over Marcy’s. Bending over, Velma grasped Marcy’s legs and said “Care to show me some of your oral skills?”

    “I’m willing to take that challenge.”

    And so indeed Marcy did. Velma focused again on her task, eating out Marcy for all she was worth as Marcy began her own task, spreading Velma’s pussy lips apart and plunging her lounge deep inside, taking care to lick Velma’s clit roughly every chance she got. Meanwhile Trudy and Luke continued to enjoy their own lust fueled actions. Trudy had pulled down the leotard she word, rubbing one of her breasts and pinching a nipple as she rode Luke as hard as she could. “Oh FUCK!! I can’t believe we almost went to a Halloween party instead of doing this!” Trudy shouted.

    “You think this is something, check out what Velma and Marcy are doing!” Luke replied, short on breath. He didn’t know what he was enjoying more, the way that Trudy was fucking him or the sight of two older women eating one another out. Trudy glanced over her shoulder and, seeing what was transpiring, said “Ok, I need a better look. Hold that position!”

    Trudy then rose up off her body and quickly turned around. Before Luke knew it, she just as quickly sat back down on his cock and leaned back a little, giving her a good view of the two. “Holy shit, I think you went deeper!” Trudy gasped. Luke could only smile broadly as she resumed her actions, grasping her sides and thrusting upwards. Trudy, with one hand, slowly rubbed her clit as she intently watched Velma and Marcy.

    Velma’s breathing was becoming more and more ragged as Marcy continued her bid for sexual dominance, eagerly taking two fingers and plunging them inside of Marcy’s sopping wet entrance. The feel of Velma’s digits inside of her thrilled her, and she returned the favor with two of her own fingers slipped into Velma’s pussy. Velma gritted her teeth at the feel of her lover’s finger making her way inside, and soon she felt the oh-so-familiar feeling making its way from the deepest depths. Marcy too felt the incoming wave about to hit, and she was fully intent for riding it out.



    The two came hard, bolts of pleasure ripping through their bodies like an n intense fire through a volcano crack. The two came over their respective partner’s mouths as they lapped it all up as best as possible. The sight of the two coming was more than Trudy could take.


    Trudy came seconds later, exploding all over Luke’s cock. The young man felt her pussy grip his cock tightly as she enjoyed the full brunt of the intense orgasm and he felt his own soon approaching. “Trudy, I can’t hold on any longer! I’m—“

    Trudy quickly removed herself from Luke’s body and seconds later, wrapped her mouth directly over Luke’s cock as he came, releasing a jet stream of his seed directly down her throat. The young man gasped out in relief as Trudy took the whole load and slowly removed his cock from her mouth, taking care to lick the shaft up and down slowly as she did so. In the meantime, Marcy found herself in Velma’s arms, slowly kissing the woman.

    “Wow…so that’s what happened at camp?”

    “More or less. With Daphne, it got a little technical.”

    “I can only imagine.” Marcy giggled. “So, what now?”

    “I’m still incredibly horny believe it or not.” Velma admitted. Trudy smiled and said “Well, I think Luke can take care of that.” She gestured to the teen, who still had quite an erection on him. Luke looked up and said “Whoa. I guess that I have way too much energy than I know what to do with.”

    “In that case, it’s time to put it to good use.” Velma said as she lay back on the floor and spread her legs apart. “Ready for the next round?”

    “Gee, let me think.”

    With the speed of a tiger, Luke leaped up and dove on top of Velma. Placing his hands underneath her knees, Luke plunged his cock deep inside of her, eliciting a gasp of pleasure. “I forgot just how quickly you could recover.” Velma moaned as Luke began to slowly pump in and out of her.

    “Hey, what about me?” Trudy asked.

    “I think it’s time we began to get better acquainted.” Marcy slyly grinned as she pushed Trudy slowly to the ground next to Velma. Using two fingers, Marcy spread her pussy apart and began to lick the girl’s insides and clit deeply. Trudy could only lay back and enjoy the attention as Marcy orally simulated her. Velma, in the meantime, was lost in a haze as Luke continued to fuck her deeply, one hand rapidly rubbing her clit as the other reached out and began massaging one of Trudy’s breasts. Smiling up at him, she gasped out “C’mon, faster! I know you can do more than this!! Fuck me HARDER!”

    “Yes ma’am!!”

    And with that Luke increased the speed of his thrusts, occasionally making a circular motion as Velma’s moans, joined by Trudy’s own, became much louder. Encouraged by the sounds she heard around her, Marcy increased her own speed, sticking her lounge deeper into Trudy. Trudy grasped the back of Marcy’s head as she felt the onset of another huge orgasm arriving, Velma, too, sensed the shock about to hit.

    “YES!! YES!! FUCK ME!!!


    Trudy would come first, grasping the side of Marcy’s head as she came hard, not letting her go as she fiercely erupted all over her mouth. At the same time Velma let out a squeal of relief as she came, her pussy tightening all over Luke’s rigid member, the warmth of her fluids washing all over him.

    “Oh man, here I come!”

    Instinctively, Luke pulled out of Velma and grasped his cock as he let loose with another shot of cum, this time managing to splatter it all over Velma’s breasts. Velma smiled as she watched the young man collapse backwards onto the floor with a goofy yet content smile on his face, desperately trying to catch his breath. “I think it’s fair to say it’s a knockout.” Velma concluded.
    “Indeed it was.” Marcy smiled as she as Trudy rose up. “I think it was pretty much worth the trouble we went through to get to this point.”

    “Sorry about that.” Velma apologized but the two girls shook their heads. “Don’t blame yourself, it was the pumpkin.” Trudy said to her.

    “And, possibly, me.” Luke added. “Ok, it was probably a bad idea to have said your name while holding an eerie black pumpkin.”

    “In any case, let’s clean ourselves up and get to that party.” Velma said. “We probably shouldn’t mention this part to my mother when she tracks us down.”

    “Quite.” agreed Marcy. “I wonder what Fred and Daphne would say about all this.”

    “I rather not think about it.” Luke said. “I do wonder what they’re up to though.

    “Knowing those two,” Trudy suggested, “they’re probably off dancing somewhere to lame slow jams.”

    “Ok, this is…awkward.”

    In a dark bedroom somewhere in a nice hotel, on a very comfortable bed, laid Fred Jones, naked save for a sheet. Next to him also nude laid his fiancée, Daphne Blake. The red head laughed as she said “Oh come on, Fred! You were always bugging me about trying new things. A threesome was just what we needed.”

    “I know, I know, but this…” Looking down, Fred gazed at the person who was currently asleep, draped across his chest: Mary Anne Gleardan, his former civics tutor. Her hair, which was usually in pigtails, was a mess now and contrasted well with her sweat covered body. And apparently, she was a sleep talker.

    “Oh Freddie, You were far more wonderful than I ever hoped…”

    “I’m not even sure if what we did is LEGAL.” Fred sighed. “How did I get to be roped into this?”

    “We owed her a favor remember? Parole was just the start.” Daphne reminded him.

    “Let’s just make sure we never ever tell this to Shaggy, Scooby or Velma. Especially Velma, she’d never let me hear the end of it.”

    “Maybe next time we should let her join in. The girl’s a genius with a strap-on!”

