Nov 29 2018


I never played the Sly Cooper games. They looked kinda fun. I suppose I could go out and find used copies, but then I would have to play them and I already have a stack of games to play. First world problems at it’s finest. Enjoy this Carmelita picture requested from the Patreon. ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!

Nov 26 2018

Panda Delgoto

Do you read comics? Do you remember a character name Panda Delgato? She was from title called Body Bags. I missed out on that one. I used to read a bunch of Image comics back in the day though. I might even still have some in my basement. Anyway, enjoy this Patreon requested pic of Panda. The character, not the animal.

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!

Nov 21 2018

She’s Looking for a Stuffing

I hear you Americans are once again celebrating Thanksgiving on the wrong day. Silly colonists. I trust you’ll get it right one day. Until then, have this turkey girl looking for a good stuffing. She actually a request from a Patreon supporter. Such a great idea! ^_^

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!

Nov 20 2018

She’s Steal Your Soul

Out of all the Halloween pictures I did this year, I like this one the best. I feel like she’d make a great tattoo design. That is… if she wasn’t opening her hole to steal your soul that is.

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!

Nov 18 2018

Sexy Witch

Second Halloween character on the list to draw last month was a witch. I think my favorite kind of witch to draw is the cute and plump variety. I can’t seem to draw them any other way. I hope that there aren’t any Wiccans out there that object with my little witch here. I mean no offense.

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!

Nov 14 2018

Black Cat

So… last month was Halloween. I presented a poll to the Patreon supporters on which spooky characters I should draw up for them. Three were picked and I drew like hell fire to get them done. A black cat was the first on the list to get done. I wonder if this one is bad luck.

If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!