Well, this is a long story...

But here is the short version.  I am 36 and have been drawing on at least a semi-professional basis for 20 years.  I am mated happily to a fellow (if considerably younger) artist who also draws on stream from time to time (around the pregnancy).  She also helps with the Cats'N'Cameras comic, doing the cell shading for that, and some coloring depending on how our schedules look.

As mentioned above, I am the artist for Cats'N'Cameras, with the assistance of my better half.  You can keep up to date on that every weekend when it updates at 12:01am or so Saturday morning (read middle of the night Friday).  It is a great story written by Cheetahjab that I have the pleasure to illustrate for him as the newest artist, and hopefully for everyone's sake, one that hangs around the comic for a lot of years to come.

As some of the more common questions are what programs and equipment do you use, let me just update that here and let you all know.  For the programs end of that question, I use Easy Paint Tool SAI for most of my work as it is one of the best programs I have found for sheer usability on the fly while having a number of perks for the freehand artist, which I am.  I also use Photoshop for some of my work, as it has the lettering tools I need and so on for comic work and makes the process of lettering and pannelling a comic much easier.  As to the equipment I use, I have a home built PC of fair construction that is mated to my brand new Cintiq 13HD.  I have the fans of the comic to thank for that wonderful step up in my art process as we did a fund raiser to get the proceeds to purchase it, planning on the process taking a month or two and y'all knocked it out of the park and it was shipped only 10 days after the fund raiser started.  You are all awesome and I can never thank you enough.

Another common question is why I draw porn for a living.  The simple answer is I did heavy labor from 8 to 28 and tore myself up bad enough over the years that the common trades of Construction and Marine Fiberglass Repair are too hard on me anymore.  That said, I needed something that was easier on my frame and my art was really starting to take off so I went with it and started drawing whatever people asked me to, for a price.  Now, it pays the bills and happily the business is continuing to grow.

Weekly Update

So, the weekly update...Yeah.  This hasn't been updated since I posted the site, but I will try to keep the info a bit more current. At the moment, the updates are as follows...

I am streaming Teusday through Saturday, from 6pm Central to Midnight, so you can come hang out, shoot the shit and listen to Cheetahjab and me bicker back and forth as the magic of art happens live on stream.

My mate (Shockley23 on FA and IB) is pregnant with our son at the moment, but at 35 to 36 weeks, she is getting very close to having him. So there should be a new member of the family mewling for milk soon.

I am working on getting everything put into a reliable schedule in hopes that I will be able to hold onto it after Bastian Gabriel Mackey comes home. Provided I can, you can find that on the Contact page under the stream listing.

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