
If there’s one thing I love, it’s good smutty picture.  If there’s a second thing I love, it’s games.  It’s a well know fact that I love video games (heck, I made them my career), but it’s actually far bigger then that.  I love games of all kinds, except organized sports… guh.  Ever since I was a kid I’ve had a love of card and board games.  Favorite ones from my youth are Clue, Pac-Man and Fireball Island.  Especially Fireball Island.  The one that I had as  child was ether sold or destroyed in a basement flood (so if anyone has one that they want to get rid of… *wink*).  I also remember wanting to play a game called Scotland Yard.  I only ever tried it once at a friends house.  I seem to remember liking it, but I can’t remember.  I wonder if you can buy it now a days.

As of the fast few year, the board game of choice is Scrabble.  I play with Wife, and my Bother-in-Law and his wife.  It’s tons of fun and we can get quite vulgar plying it too, which is okay because we only play after the kids go to bed.  And after a few years of playing, I think we’re all quite awesome at it too.  I’m sure I could beat all your asses.  That’s right… I said it.  Actually, the trick is to try and make your words across the double and triple letter/word squares.

I’ve even got the kids hooked on to board games too.  We play Uno Moo, Cars Monopoly, Pengoloo and the Pac-Man game I had when I was a kid.  Yup, I still have that original game.

Do you love board games?  What ones are your favorites?

5 Responses to “Scrabble”

  • Riddle78 Says:

    Monopoly is a personal favourite of mine,because it’s a fairly tactical game. You have to manage so much,while still setting “Rent Traps” for everyone else. I actually ended the game when someone landed on Marvin Gardens. Hotel’d him to death.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Gonna have to go with Risk as my favorite. It is so satisfying to see the look of terror on the other player’s face as you dominate their armies. muahahahahahaha!!

  • Mudiwa Says:

    Personally, I like Monopoly <3 Hostile takeover when they can't do anything about it =3 always fun!

  • Hall om mig Says:

    Not a board game but this is table top:D&D old school and some 3.0 rules to :3

  • JJ Says:

    Hmm… Favorite board games… do love ’em, but tend to love the geekier ones. Agree with the D&D, but it is so hard to get a good group together (either that lasts, or that has good cohesion). My friends and I tend to just play whatever is on hand, but my all time fav is probably Robo Rally (great balance of skill and luck).


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