Oct 31 2011

I'm on yer 3DS

So the other day I posted a stereoscopic image of my latest commission.  I can do them quite easily but I know others can’t.  So I went and made it in to a 3DS image.  It came out pretty good too I must say.  I do have to figure out how to make the image with out the 3DS putting in a black fuzzy boarder on the image.  I also had to crop it down a little so you could see the 3d-ness of it.  Now there is also a fan out there that has gone and made stereoscopic image of my old Gwen image.  This wasn’t recently done though, it was done way back in 2008!  I thought I was doing pretty good making this up now… I guess I was wrong. ^_^  I took the liberty to make his a 3DS image too.  Thanks FrankGuru!

So to get the 3DS images, just click on the pictures below and enjoy. ^_^

Oct 31 2011

I’m on yer 3DS

So the other day I posted a stereoscopic image of my latest commission.  I can do them quite easily but I know others can’t.  So I went and made it in to a 3DS image.  It came out pretty good too I must say.  I do have to figure out how to make the image with out the 3DS putting in a black fuzzy boarder on the image.  I also had to crop it down a little so you could see the 3d-ness of it.  Now there is also a fan out there that has gone and made stereoscopic image of my old Gwen image.  This wasn’t recently done though, it was done way back in 2008!  I thought I was doing pretty good making this up now… I guess I was wrong. ^_^  I took the liberty to make his a 3DS image too.  Thanks FrankGuru!

So to get the 3DS images, just click on the pictures below and enjoy. ^_^