Feb 22 2012

Random Fisting!

Just finished a new pic.  Who’s that squirrel chick?  I dunno… just some random character I had kicking around.

Feb 10 2012

Random Fan Art

For my birthday yesterday I was presented with a piece of fan art.  Yay!  I don’t get fan art all that often.  Actually pretty much never.  So when someone gives me some, I really appreciate it and I want to show it off for others to see.  So I can’t say thank you enough to Scificat.  Your fan art of my random squirrel girl is super cute and was a great surprise. ^_^

Feb 25 2010

random hugs

More then a few people have asked for more random squirrel girl.  Since she’s my favorite character… how could I say no?  Some one asked if I was ever going give her a name.  I’ve decided that I wasn’t.  I like her being just my random squirrel girly.  I find that she’s grown more as a character then any other I’ve ever done.  You might not see it at this point, but I have ideas for pictures in my head that make her such fun.  And some of these pictures aren’t even adult in nature.

I find that the more I grow… the more she grows… and I really like that.