May 31 2012

The JAB Archives

So as I’m sure most people know, my blog here is hosted by The JAB Archives.  Well, I’m pleased to say that as of June 1st, the whole site is getting a new over haul.  Everything about the site is getting a fresh coat of paint and redesign so it’s easier to find the artists that you want to see.  What’s really neat is that even I didn’t realize just how many artists we host here.  Twenty one artists in all, including me!  I’m practically neighbors with artists like Jive Guru, Wagner and Karavan and I didn’t even know!

To celebrate the new redesign, I’ve done up a fancy new picture of Random inviting you to come see what’s new in the new TJA… and what’s in her shirt too.  I really do encourage people to go and check out the other artists here at The JAB Archives or maybe even be apart of the forum.  Most importantly, I want to thank everyone that has supported TJA for the past 17 years.  You guys are the freak’n best! ^_^

Feb 29 2012

My towel is too small

Ta dah!  What’s this you ask?  Why just some random pixels.  Actually, this here is represents what I do for a career.  No, not sexy pictures (well, that too I guess).  I push pixels and I’ve been doing so for about 10 years.  Oh sure, I can paint and illustrate too, but my true love is old school graphics.   I’ve never done a pixel illustration for my blog, so I thought it might be fun to try it out.  I think my random squirrel came out pretty adorable.  I might just have to try others too.  I think Ping and Pong would look so cute like this.

One thing that I don’t have though is a pixel  blog/site.  I know there are other pixel artists that have galleries (Paul Robertson, Kenneth Fejer), but I never felt compelled to so the same and reach pixel fame on the internet.  All my pixels can only been seen in the games I’ve made.  Oh, and just so everyone knows, this image here is scaled up 200% so you can see it better.  Here it is at it’s original size.

I keep a survival kit on my desk.  What is this kit called?

Feb 22 2012

Random Fisting!

Just finished a new pic.  Who’s that squirrel chick?  I dunno… just some random character I had kicking around.

Feb 10 2012

Random Fan Art

For my birthday yesterday I was presented with a piece of fan art.  Yay!  I don’t get fan art all that often.  Actually pretty much never.  So when someone gives me some, I really appreciate it and I want to show it off for others to see.  So I can’t say thank you enough to Scificat.  Your fan art of my random squirrel girl is super cute and was a great surprise. ^_^

Oct 28 2011

Lily the Squee!

What’s a squee you ask?  Why it’s a squirrel and a bee!  A squee!!  This is the latest commission I’ve completed and I just thought I’d show her off as I think she’s super cute. ^_^

SQUEE!!!  *Lily is a design of Luckpan*

Sep 22 2011

Sexy Squirrel

So a little while ago Jive Guru (one of my favorite artists and a good friend) contacted me about doing a picture of his squirrel girl Scarlet.  How could I say no?  Scarlet Squirrel is probably one of my favorite character designs.  She’s fun to draw, has cute proportions and I love her colours too.  I also love that Jive changes her hair a lot too.  I make the character feel like they’re progressing.  So anyway,  here she is!  I hope he likes her, cuze I know I do. ^_^