Yaaay finally another CnC-update
Good to see that it seems that Jim got out of that tornado-incident unharmed.
About the comic: OMG Bellas face at the second panel is sooo adorable! (also I absolutely love her fluffy tail xD) Plus I have to say again that I absolutely love how Jim draws expressions... exactly at the last panel. And I so wanna know whatīs about that whipped cream-thing... Cīmon Cheetah tell us, please! *puppy eyes"

About the comic: OMG Bellas face at the second panel is sooo adorable! (also I absolutely love her fluffy tail xD) Plus I have to say again that I absolutely love how Jim draws expressions... exactly at the last panel. And I so wanna know whatīs about that whipped cream-thing... Cīmon Cheetah tell us, please! *puppy eyes"