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What is Cats N' Cameras?

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  • What is Cats N' Cameras?

    For me, Cats N Cameras is, well, a webcomic. The prevalence of furry/anthro characters does instantly peg it as a Furry Comic; I'm not really fussed if that's how people see it, but to me it's a world where there's Anthros and Humans (just not widely seen in the part of the world CnC is set in).

    Basically, I figure CnC to be a just a webcomic - funny, sexy, silly. The fact that 99% of the cast has fur is coincidence. :B

    Or at least sexy and silly because I've been told I have no sense of humour, and since I tend to find myself laughing over things other people don't and not getting jokes most people get, you could say I have a very strange sense of humour.

    But I aim to include tits whenever it's appropriate (or in Sari's case, inappropriate), because frankly, the comic was created using the mascot of an Adult Website, so therefore it's somewhat expected and, well, I really like drawing boobs.

    Oh screw it, I just wanna draw strip after strip of tits!

    On the other hand, that's not much of a challenge, and actually trying to tell a story is a challenge, and my brain appreciates the work out (hell, the backgrounds alone test the dusty grey-matter).

    Plus, 'Furry' as a genre is about as specific as saying 'Anime' as a genre. There's more to a comic than what the characters look like.

    So, in mind I have several 'arcs' planned - the trick is having them link together properly, or even happening (because creativity is a slippery, changable thing, and once the events in one arc are done, it nixes the possibilities of a future planned one..or at least changes things dramatically).

    I'm aiming to create something I enjoy at least, and then hope to hell other people enjoy it too. So far, so good.

    Granted, half the time I spend 3 days staring at an blank page before running over to Cheetah or another friend of mine with confused puppy eyes and squeal "I can't think of what to draw next! Help meee!" And then spend the next 2-3 days scribbling feverishly trying to meet the deadline. So far it's been an even split of ideas between me and Cheetah, and I'm hoping it'll continue along that line.

    It's been over 2 months now and I'm still getting used to doing a comic every week... and I know I have a LOT to learn about this kind of thing.

    In closing; What is CnC?

    It's a web-comic, it's free, it's over-sexed (I hope?), it's a lot of hard work, and a reason I've lost sleep on several Friday nights, it's the biggest project I've ever tackled (even bigger than my DBfC portfolios where I aim to have at least 50 images on each one).

    I'm not sure how long it'll last but I'm hoping it'll last a fair while.. I mean.. we're barely done with introductions at this point, and even once those are done (and lord I hope to get started on an actual arc soon), there'll still be even more characters to be revealed... because only 2 days have passed in the comic so far. Yup, there's definitely more characters waiting for their turn.

    I should go to bed now. And maybe when Cheetah wakes up he'll add what CnC is for him. : )
    ~V.Kyrie (:* All real, all the time.

  • #2
    Now, I'll get a little more technical about answering the question:

    Cats n Cameras is... about cats and cameras.

    Jo's just got home from college, and now she's diving head first into the business she and Jim set up before she left. She's still a bit green in the business experience department, and she's having to get to know her employees and catch up with her friends and lovers.

    So, there's this camera shop, which doubles as a photo studio which also serves as an amateur film studio after hours. So far they have a handful of products available on their website to supplement their main business.

    And business has been decent; whether it continues to remain decent is yet to be seen of course.

    And thus, we follow the characters around like a lost puppy, glimpsing flashes of their lives every week, and are hopefully entertained by what is witnessed.

    Okay, not as technical as I aimed for but a little more informative than the last answer I think.

    Any questions?: P
    ~V.Kyrie *: )
    Last edited by V.Kyrie; 01-27-2009, 12:41 AM. All real, all the time.


    • #3
      *In chimes the Cheetah*

      Val's pretty much hit the nail on the head, I know some of you are still scratching your head over bits a pieces, but it's always hard in the beginning. As we move along you'll get to know fun and silly things, as well as the unavoidable serious things. Yes it's an MA Rated comic, and there will be your fair share of it. But (and I know some of you will frown) it's not all about T & A. We are actually aiming for an in depth storyline.

      What CnC is to me, is a fun outlet to try new ideas, develop characters, and otherwise share a story with you, the readers. Here's to hoping we get to do it for some time to come.

      *Fan participation*
      Of course, fan participation in the way of this forum, and the comments on the comic site and the polls will always help. Just cause we didn't use your idea, doesn't mean it didnt some how sway what we where planning. Remember as artists, whether writing or drawing, we feed off user input.

      I know as you sit through the first few strips of just meeting the characters, it's slow going, but rest assured, we have a lot of fun arcs coming up and/or planned in the near future that should be quite interesting.
      Cheetah - TJA Productions


      • #4
        Hehe i'm looking forward to what happens on this forum.
        Val's comic already has been funny and sexy. Sari's seen to that.
        I'm sure this forum and comic will be a massive hit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scotty_Kat View Post
          Hehe i'm looking forward to what happens on this forum.
          Val's comic already has been funny and sexy. Sari's seen to that.
          I'm sure this forum and comic will be a massive hit.
          You and me both Scotty Kat , and come on, she might draw it, but we both work on it.. *cries*

          Cheetah - TJA Productions


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cheetah View Post
            You and me both Scotty Kat , and come on, she might draw it, but we both work on it.. *cries*

            Didn't mean to leave you out. Hehe I know you're a team when it comes to this comic. You two make for a great team.


            • #7
              *aaaah. After 10,000 years I'm free! It's time to conquer...Earth!*

              Fooolish webcomic!
              I shall outlive you like I outlive all the others!
              You shall rue the day! RUE IT!

              Er...I mean...good luck! Look forward to seeing whats next!
              "Zzzzzzzz...."Mab's Land and DMFA Comics


              • #8
                ZOMG Mabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!! POUNCE NOMMMMMMM!
                Final Fantasy 7


                • #9
                  Zounds! Its a Naf! To the lurker-mobile! *ninja vanishes*
                  "Zzzzzzzz...."Mab's Land and DMFA Comics


                  • #10
                    Argh!!!! Nooooooooooo!
                    Final Fantasy 7


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MissMab View Post
                      *aaaah. After 10,000 years I'm free! It's time to conquer...Earth!*
                      He, he...Sounds like an old Power Rangers quote.

                      (Cheetah and V.Kyrie) A nice comic you got going there, it has had some great funny parts so far, so I'm looking forward to watch what's going to happen with the CnC Characters in the future storyline.
                      And great idea adding a forum-part as well.
                      Keep up the nice work.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Protoon1 View Post
                        (Cheetah and V.Kyrie) A nice comic you got going there, it has had some great funny parts so far, so I'm looking forward to watch what's going to happen with the CnC Characters in the future storyline.
                        And great idea adding a forum-part as well.
                        Keep up the nice work.

                        Hey thanks Protoon, we'll have out fair share of story line coming along, some funny, some sex, and some serious (albeit in small bits) , glad you're enjoying it so far
                        Cheetah - TJA Productions


                        • #13
                          Cats N' Cameras

                          My Comment:
                          Thumps up!!!
                          Keep going like this, nice ideas of story.


                          • #14
                            I should jump on the bandwagon here too and add my praise of the general comic...I love it - this comic is really fun, it's got really likable characters, and it's got great art too as a bonus. This is very well done, V.Kyrie, Cheetah, everyone I've not mentioned. I'm really glad you made such a comic, it fills a niche for me very well.



                            • #15
                              Hey guys, i just wanna say that i love CnC! It`s the best webcomic ever and i enjoy it every staurday! I hope you`ll keep CnC goin! Best wishes, your "GBC" (I`m to lazy to write my full name )

