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Who Came First: The Toon or the Artist

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  • Who Came First: The Toon or the Artist

    An interesting discussion developed in one of the other threads that I thought might deserve its own place in the forum. The discussion began from a question about how Anthropomorphic Animals and Humans came to co-inhabit the same world (as in CnC), then evolved into a discussion of the idea of Toontown from the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and how did the Toon's get there. Do they 'materialize' in Toontown when a Human artist conceives the Toon's creation and puts it to paper?

    I say balderdash! All Toons that ever were, or shall ever be, either already exist, or come into creation in accordance to the laws of nature of their own universe. They are fully cognizant of our world and aspire to enter it by channeling through those we call 'artist.' The Toons actively seek out a receptive Human mind to implant the 'seed' of the Toon's existence, and gain a portal to our world when the Human 'artist' puts the Toon to any creative media.

    This alarming and diabolical intrusion into our realm or existence is an outrage! Toons manipulating unsuspecting Humans to gain access to, and in some cases influence our world can be readily seen about us now. After all, how many times have you heard an organization being described as a "Mickey Mouse Outfit." But I digress.

    So I say the Toons are out there just waiting for a receptive artist to pick up on their existence and bring them to life in our world.

    Yes, I am only having fun. I am in no way trying to belittle the talents of any Artists whose creations delight and entertain so many, especially me.

  • #2
    Ironically I just finished reading a book wherein artists over the course of time have been influenced by entities living in a parallel universe through dreams and visions or simply inspiration to create their various works of art/music/archetechture in order to bring about some goal for themselves.

    The book is "Songs of Earth and Power" by Greg Bear

    I give it 4/5 gongs on the official Gongometer.


    • #3
      Brady: Heh, what you described I believe sounds a little like the original premise for 'Cool World' (before it all got changed by the directors and producers) by Ralph Bakshi. And it's a common enough theory too I believe.
      According to the sequel to Roger Rabbit (the novel) new toons are very much brought into the world in the age old method of 'Delivered by stork'. (Roger and Jessica have triplets)...admittedly the author did make several changes between his first and second book - he liked the movie adaption so much he made his second novel resemble the movie more than his first novel.

      Jive: Hm, I think I've read all of one novel by that guy.. no idea what it was. The book you mentioned does sound interesting though I may look it up the next time I'm at a book store..: )
      ~V.Kyrie (:* All real, all the time.


      • #4
        Ha, well there's more to the story than that, it was just one small part really... but overall the rest of the story was excellent, considering it's a fantasy book, as written by a mostly Science Fiction writer, but he's dabbled in many things.

        I'm trying to real all of his books, cause I've liked all of them except about.... two?
        Good odds.


        • #5
          Although I am unfamiliar with Cool World, the Roger Rabbit novels, or the works of Greg Bear, I had the distinct feeling that my premise was anything but original. It was as though I was remembering a story I had read, heard, or witnessed long ago, and it was being pushed up into the front of my consciousness. As if, someone or something was calling to me from far away, as if from a …distant ….world.

          Oh. My. Gwad. I know what it is. Someone in the Toontown universe has set up an opposition movement against the Toons bent on controlling us through artist! They are obviously opposed to the cruel enslavement of Human creativity through mind manipulation to further their own agendas! I must have made my mind receptive to the Toontown universe when I began contemplating the existence of Toons and their relationship to artists. Someone in the Resistance must have been first to detect the portal to my mind.

          But, it doesn’t make sense; I’m not an artist. Unless… unless there are no artists until they are contacted. Or the Resistance uses anti-artists…

          It’s a trap! The muse is a lie! I must warn the artists of their folly! We can’t succumb to the mind manipulations of the Toons or all will be lost! They are everywhere; webcomics, Sunday comics, anime, animation… video games! He’s one of them, a member of the Resistance. He understands the danger we are in and is leading the opposition here on our world! Must. Contact. Jack Thompson.


          • #6
            *Heston* It's a MAD HOUSE! A MAAAAAAAD HOOOOUSE!!!!

