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11/21/2009 Perhaps, Too Familiar

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  • 11/21/2009 Perhaps, Too Familiar

    Wow! Libby is such a cutie! And heh...this situation's awkward level is ramped up to 11 for sure. Poor Rod!

    By the way, the clientčle at that club suck. Calling the dancers "slut" is pretty bloody gauche, to say the least. Bouncers oughta take care of those douchebags as quickly as possible!

    "If it says Libby's Libby's Libby's, you will like it, like it, like it..."

    Well I don't remember it exactly but it'll work for here.


  • #2
    Mmm Libby is a sexy girl indeed.. Makes me wonder how she relates to the other CnC girls....


    • #3
      If it says Libby's, Libby's, Libby's on the label, label, label you'll love it on your... runway, runway, runway? Damn! If only she'd been a table-top dancer!

      Cute li'l gal nonetheless!


      • #4
        Ah, you pulled a Scream 3 and just invented a new character to pin this on! Gotcha.

        Let's see: How many girls are in this comic now? I've lost count... LOL!


        • #5
          I wouldn't say 'just' made up, she's been around since July, it just took that long for her little part to take place.
          ~V.Kyrie (:*
 All real, all the time.


          • #6
            I agree, Libby is very sexy. I do love the guys answer when Rod says that she's his sister.


            • #7
              New Levels of Awkward...

              So it was not an ex-GF, but Rods sister. I'm glad Libby has her wits about her as Rod is feeling the effects of a few brews. ONE of them has to have a level head about them. Jim seems to be in full control of his facilities, also; one advantage of being of a more stout build. It seems Angel picked up on the situation, too, so there are three people on top of the potential crisis. Of course, there's still time for disaster to strike...

              I like how Libby appears to try and cover up and blush in the first frame as the surprise of seeing her brother instinctively causes a quick case of modesty.

              And I agree with Seth; bad-mouthing the Ladies should equal a quick introduction to the exit. Not sure how that works in RL...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dark Stranger View Post
                I agree, Libby is very sexy. I do love the guys answer when Rod says that she's his sister.
                Now where do you go when the strip club you were dragged to, to make you feel better, actually ended up making you feel even worse? Another strip club is deffinetly out of the question. Who might know if there'd be a second siter working there ;D

                Yeah, never been so happy 'bout being wrong Libby's WOOT WOOT! or what it's called nowadays.
                I can't help but thinking that poor Rod seems to be the ultimate victim in this comic ...

                I really like that Libby doesn't seem surprised seeing Jim there, and actually starts explaining him the situation instead of Rod. Probably she's is trying to gather some emotionally support for calming Rod down, 'cause she'd surely need all the help she can get.

                And what a comeback line from Rod, "Hey! This slut is my little sister"


                • #9
                  Whoa! Now that was a twist, LOL. Good way to introduce Libby though. As for the crowd, it kind og goes with the territory, alcohol has a tendency to do that to an otherwise nice guy. It doesn't excuse the fact or lessen the need for a one way trip out the door, but it is all to typical. Now for the next bomb to go off, what is Rod's reaction going to be?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Protoon1 View Post
                    I really like that Libby doesn't seem surprised seeing Jim there, and actually starts explaining him the situation instead of Rod.
                    I noticed in the second panel Libby seems to have already recovered from the surprise of seeing Rod and definitely seems not flustered by Jim's presence.

                    It seems by Jim's expression, and eye level, in the second panel that he totally approves of Libby's outfit. So if Rod notices that Jim is eying his sister...

                    I wonder if Libby's reaction in the first panel ("what are YOU doing here?") to Rod's presence at the club has to do with it being out of character for Rod to visit such a place, or does she think he's gay, too? Perhaps it was just a response to being surprised by her brother and I am trying to read too much into it...

                    Oh, and judging from Angel's expression and glance off camera in the last panel, I would say she is not pleased and took exception to the "slut" comment, also.
                    Last edited by ; 11-21-2009, 10:49 AM. Reason: add content


                    • #11
                      Lol.. very nice. Though part of me was hoping it was Alexia still, lol. But Libby is very nice too. Though Rod just can't get a break can he.. you know he's gonna have flashbacks every time he sees a bee now:P


                      • #12
                        Awesome comic! I was totally wrong when I thought it was Al the whole week. Like I already said I love to meet new characters! Aww I canīt wait to see wich surprises CnC still has to offer (Iīm just saying Sariīs and Joīs mom). And yeah, waiting was definitely worth it!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bradypodidae View Post
                          It seems by Jim's expression, and eye level, in the second panel that he totally approves of Libby's outfit. So if Rod notices that Jim is eying his sister...

                          I wonder if Libby's reaction in the first panel ("what are YOU doing here?") to Rod's presence at the club has to do with it being out of character for Rod to visit such a place, or does she think he's gay, too? Perhaps it was just a response to being surprised by her brother and I am trying to read too much into it...
                          Ooooh that could be trouble, I think that Rod would speak his dissatisfaction 'bout it, if he's not to drunk and shocked to see it.

                          Well everyone seems to think that Rod is a nice gay, erh I mean guy... so they might not think that he would go to a strip club.... I don't think any of my sisters would ever think that I would go to a strip club, then again Rod isn't me.... But he's damn close.
                          Last edited by ; 11-21-2009, 12:34 PM.


                          • #14
                            The look of panic in Libby's eye in the first panel is superb, gotta feel sorry for both of them. Looking forward to the development!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Protoon1 View Post
                              Well everyone seems to think that Rod is a nice gay, erh I mean guy... so they might not think that he would go to a strip club.... .
                              Hahah I can really imagine Libbys thoughts... like "damn... my mom wants me to have a job... and she didnīt say wich job... itīs good money and no one will ever meet me there... dad is happily married and Rod wonīt ever visit a club like that... yeah, thatīs a perfect plan...". xD

