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12/05/2009 50 Results

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  • 12/05/2009 50 Results

    The results I predict include Jim getting punched in the face. Though his line WAS really funny, still...heh heh Rod's smashed and emo. Not a good combination!

    I propose that Strip #51 be named "Teachable Moment!"


  • #2
    Hahah and #52 "Waking up in a hospital" xD No, seriously, I hope Rod and Jim wonīt get into a fight... And congrats for the 50 strips


    • #3
      Jim and subtlety, zero correlation.

      "Jim subtle?" I ask Jim shrugs.

      "I have two ravenous sex kittens who have me rock hard and ready, 24/7." Jimmy grins, "I wouldn't know subtle if it came up and slapped me. Like I don't know abstinence, chastity or restraint."

      "Er, okay." I state with a soft giggle.
      Last edited by ; 12-05-2009, 01:49 PM.


      • #4
        50 and Counting

        Congratulations on reaching 50... that is a celebratory landmark, right?

        I don't see Rod as the physically violent type, although I've never seen Rod deal with someone making those kinds of remarks towards his sister when he's a bit(?) drunk, either.

        I would guess Rod will storm out of the club and walk off.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bradypodidae View Post
          Congratulations on reaching 50... that is a celebratory landmark, right?

          I don't see Rod as the physically violent type, although I've never seen Rod deal with someone making those kinds of remarks towards his sister when he's a bit(?) drunk, either.

          I would guess Rod will storm out of the club and walk off.
          As a fan of happy endings, I hope he'll walk off and be be angry a week or two, then having things return to normal.
          But Rod seems to be on a losing streak and, I fear this sittuation could lead to the next loss.

          Yeah it's deffinetly not the wisest thing to say to a person that drunk. No way of knowing how they may react.... although Jim, knowing Rod, should have an idea of what not to say at a time like this. Could it be a slip of the tounge, or does he think that Rod will feel better after punching him.

          Either way, is Rod drunk enough to hit on a man standing 6′7 (DAMN! that's tall!), who's both his employer and his longtime friend :S
          I fear the answer is... a plausible maybe.
          Last edited by ; 12-05-2009, 11:55 AM.


          • #6
            I'm not really following the 'Your dad slept with my mom, look at the results' line of dialogue... is Jim implying that she is his half sister too, or.... huh?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jive Guru View Post
              I'm not really following the 'Your dad slept with my mom, look at the results' line of dialogue... is Jim implying that she is his half sister too, or.... huh?
              I was wondering about that as well.
              Then I realized it made sense if he was saying "It's what I'd say if I had a little sister who looked like yours.... but then I'd wonder when your dad did it with my mum"
              So guess he's saying, if he had a sister looking like Rods, then his mother would have had to have sex with Rods dad at some he's speaking hypothetically.
              "I mean, look at that, she's so... flexible!" just being an extra comment in the middle of the sentence, from him being distracted. It's actually in a way, some kind of subtle complement.

              "Still, no complaints about the results" is a bit tricky though, could he be saying that he'd be happy to have a sister looking like Rods', working as a stripper?
              Last edited by ; 12-05-2009, 01:04 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jive Guru View Post
                I'm not really following the 'Your dad slept with my mom, look at the results' line of dialogue... is Jim implying that she is his half sister too, or.... huh?
                I intrpereted it to be a snarky yet lighthearted "The only way your sister could be that hot is if she were somehow related to me" comment.


                • #9
                  Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if Rod gets Physical.. Heck i think Jim would actually like to see him get aggressive for a change? Course the problem with this situation going that way... could end up messy if he doesn't hit the intended target?:P


                  • #10
                    I'm really racking my brain to figure out a way that this works out without drama. LOL...



                    • #11
                      I really wonder if Jim is trying to get punched in the face on purpose. Cuz being subtle is one thing but then seeing your friends sister and then saying things like that is only asking to get punched.


                      • #12
                        Well, they've known each other for years, Jim's not intentionally trying to get him angry, but they both have been drinking, and sarcasm is lost with Alcohaul.
                        Cheetah - TJA Productions


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cheetah View Post
                          Well, they've known each other for years, Jim's not intentionally trying to get him angry, but they both have been drinking, and sarcasm is lost with Alcohaul.
                          Hehehe...maybe then Strip 52 may end up being titled "The Pokey."



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cheetah View Post
                            Well, they've known each other for years, Jim's not intentionally trying to get him angry, but they both have been drinking, and sarcasm is lost with Alcohaul.
                            Heheheh well when I tried to be sarcastic when me and my friends have been drunk last time we endend in a fight (nah we didnīt hit each other, just arguing xD)... the results have been that no one of us remembered why we have been fighting and we continued drinking... it was very funny when we tried to remember why we were fighting the next day and we all endend laughing xD What I want to say is that I donīt really think that Rod would hit Jim... but I think he will be pissed... I would be pissed, too! Okay Iīll stop rambling now xD


                            • #15
                              You guys havn't even picked up on the cameo.. you're all getting soft.
                              Cheetah - TJA Productions

