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2/13/2010 "Vacant Shoes Need Filling"

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  • 2/13/2010 "Vacant Shoes Need Filling"

    Two shoe related strip titles in a row! WOO!

    Anyhow, so Bella arrives!
    I'll leave out the Twilight jokes, promise. *wink*

    uhhh.... yeah. Discuss!

  • #2
    Whoa! take a weeks hiatus and half the crew leaves... And I really wanted to see Rod get his world rocked by that "Little Hot Read Head" *grins*


    • #3
      Originally posted by Puma View Post
      Whoa! take a weeks hiatus and half the crew leaves... And I really wanted to see Rod get his world rocked by that "Little Hot Read Head" *grins*

      Well, the machismo was more to bolster his resolve.. he's still carrying that torch like a little Olympian.; P
      That said,yeah, boy ain't blind. XD
      ~V.Kyrie (:* All real, all the time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
        Well, the machismo was more to bolster his resolve.. he's still carrying that torch like a little Olympian.; P
        That said,yeah, boy ain't blind. XD
        ~V.Kyrie (:*
        Wow. What a sucker.

        And Bella is such a sweetie. She'd be a great addition to the shop. Though I hope this isn't the last we see of Thiz.

        The pleading is hilarious, incidentally.



        • #5
          Well... I'm sure in the wee hours of the night he regrets not attempting to bang a total stranger.: P
          ~V.Kyrie (:*
 All real, all the time.


          • #6
            LOL Indeed, I bet he does.

            Sad thing for him is he probably coulda at least gotten to 2nd base had the opportunity presented itself.
            Needless to say she's waiting by the phone. ;-P

            As for current plot, definitely looking forward to see where this goes, and what First Step First will be taken in this Fourth chapter.


            • #7
              Hah I KNEW that Bella is gonna work at CnC xD I don´t really think that Jo is gonna say no. And w00t to the Tabitha cameo, I´m been so waiting for a new pic of her... or at least an appearance xD


              • #8
                As a freelance photographer, Ms. Bella could have easily developed an aptitude in repairing camera's beyond the simple fixes Jim can handle, so she should be a good candidate to replace Rod in that category. As a freelance she certainly must know her cameras which would be a boon when dealing in sales, even when talking to another photo aficionado. That and experience dealing with clients means she should do well at the front counter (using Sarina's 'flash' tactic would only be a bonus ;-p). I also have to believe that she has the artistic and practical skills to be a positive addition to the photographer staff for the studio side of CnC, whether its family portraits or... ahem... otherwise. It has been demonstrated by the New Year's pin-up that the camera loves her in front of the lens as well as behind, whether it be for public advertising or... ahem... otherwise. I believe Ms. Bella is a perfect match for the CnC crew.

                Now if she knows her way around a needle and thread...

                edit: Oh yeah, I forgot about Jim's friend Jayson being asked to come in and handle the major camera repairs. There are still plenty of reasons to hire Bella! Two new characters to add to the mix. I see fun times ahead for the CnC crew; and, of course, us!

                edit, edit: I can't quite make out what is on the back of the kid's shirt in the second panel.
                Last edited by ; 02-13-2010, 11:06 AM. Reason: add content


                • #9
                  Me either! I think it's a cow head with MOO underneath... but not positive


                  • #10
                    I had a closer look with the screen-magnifier and it really looks like a cow (of course after I had a closer look at Tabitha and the other girls )


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jive Guru View Post
                      Me either! I think it's a cow head with MOO underneath... but not positive
                      Originally posted by GermanBadCat View Post
                      I had a closer look with the screen-magnifier and it really looks like a cow (of course after I had a closer look at Tabitha and the other girls )
                      I can't see, I can't see it... Wait a minute... *Turning labtop upside down*
                      Still can't see it.


                      • #12
                        LOL... it really is jsut a series of squiggles that i tried to make resemble what i recall of kids DBZ t-shirts back when theyw ere first starting out...there's really nothing that substantial outside of my intentions. XP
                        Hehehe moo....
                        ~V.Kyrie (:*
               All real, all the time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
                          LOL... it really is jsut a series of squiggles that i tried to make resemble what i recall of kids DBZ t-shirts back when theyw ere first starting out...there's really nothing that substantial outside of my intentions. XP
                          Hehehe moo....
                          ~V.Kyrie (:*

                          She lies... it's like the Da Vinci Code.. if you can zoom in far enough, it's next weeks power ball numbers
                          Cheetah - TJA Productions


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
                            there's really nothing that substantial outside of my intentions.
                            I have become suspicious of Easter Eggs lurking everywhere... <.< >.>

                            Moo, moo moo.


                            • #15
                              I'm also wondering what the letters on Tabitha's shirt mean. lol

