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The superhero movie thread

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  • The superhero movie thread

    This here is for the movies that dont belong to the MCU like Deadpool and XMen Apocalypse or dont belong to Marvel at all like Suicide Squad and Dawn of Justice.
    All the game girls need a good fucking, and we're just the guys to help them out.

  • #2
    Good to know


    • #3
      So Katie should love this one. When I think Superman I think Hard R rating.


      • #4
        Zack the more you talk, the more I don't want to see your movie. Snyder has said Superman can't win. He says Superman has been the Superman everybody wants between his two movies, but that there's always somebody that hates him for it.


        • #5
          So apparently Repzion saw Batman v Superman and this is his review.


          • #6
            I've been pretty outspoken about my animosity and outright hostility toward Batman v Superman from the marketing to the casting and especially the direction and tone and my feelings toward it at this point are no secret, but honestly? Among the many worries and concerns I have about it, one thing I'm not worried about is the box office reception. Let's face it, even if it's complete shit it's still going to make a ton of money because it's been hyped to death with Batman leading the charge in 90% of the marketing and Bat-fans are just going to eat it up. Same with all the other DC movies coming in over the years, but if there's one film I'm genuinely concerned about it's the Wonder Woman movie.

            Let's take a look at comic book movies and count them up, shall we? Since 1978 we've had six Superman movies, seven Batman movies, five Spider-Man movies, seven going on eight X-Men movies, three Punisher movies, three Blade movies, three Iron Man movies, two going on three movies for both Captain America and Thor, two Avengers movies, two Kick-Ass movies, two RED movies, two Hulk movies, two Swamp Thing movies, five going on six Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, two Crow movies, two Hellboy movies, two The Mask movies, three Fantastic Four movies, two Sin City movies, two Judge Dredd movies, two Ghost Rider movies, and one movie each for Green Lantern, Daredevil, Ant Man, The Losers, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mystery Men, the Green Hornet, the Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Constantine, Spawn, Steel, The Shadow, and Howard the fucking Duck. And by the way, that's only live-action theatrical releases! Those numbers would be a lot bigger if I included animated movies and direct-to-video/made for TV movies.

            And among those lists, how many movies does Wonder Woman have? One. An animated direct-to-DVD movie that, while pretty good, DC released quietly with none of the fanfare like that of Superman vs The Elite or The Dark Knight Returns. A live-action Wonder Woman movie has been gridlocked in Development Hell since the 80s, having gone through countless rewrites and over a dozen directors, including Joss Wheadon, and always dropping out because it would butt heads with the studio. A studio that would always, always use the same type of excuse for why a Wonder Woman movie can't be done. Now, after over three decades of excuses and excuses and excuses, they're finally making one. But only after Wonder Woman debuts playing third-fiddle to Superman and Batman in Batman ft. Superman: Rush to Justice, but that's another issue entirely. So why, after decades of excuses, are they finally making a Wonder Woman movie?

            Because they have to now. We all know that DC is playing catch-up with Marvel, and DC really wants to one-up Marvel in some way. And how do they do that? Well, they do the one thing Marvel hasn't done yet despite being 12 movies into their cinematic universe; a female-led summer blockbuster. Now some may say "Well, at least the movie is finally being made, so what's the big deal?" The big deal is that they aren't making this movie because they want to make it, otherwise we would have seen it a long-ass time ago, at least around the time Batman Begins and Superman Returns came out. They're making it grudgingly out of obligation, because after Marvel took D-listers like Guardians of the Galaxy and nobody's favorite Avenger fucking Ant-Man and turned them into superstars and because movies like The Hunger Games and Maleficent all made a ton of money DC can no longer stick their guns of "Wonder Woman's lore is too confusing for viewers" and "Well, female-led movies just don't sell." They're even going so far as to borrowing if not mirroring what Marvel did with Captain America: the First Avenger, taking place largely in the past and serving mostly as a set-up for the big crossover event. It's being led by an actress who's claim to fame is "I was the girl in the Fast and Furious movies that isn't Michelle Rodriguez, no the other one" and they plopped the first female director they could get their hands on so they can pull the "See, we're not sexist!" card without having looked that said director worked almost entirely in television and the last movie she directed that saw theaters was Monster back in 2003.

            So in short the Wonder Woman movie is being made not because DC wants to make it, but because they kind of have to make it now because they've run out of excuses and they want to one-up Marvel with a female-led superhero movie because that's the one thing they haven't done yet. And a movie nobody wants to make tends to become a movie nobody wants to see. And bear in mind, it's being made by the studio that went into a pants-shitting panic and curled up under their Batman safety-blanket because Man of Steel only made enough money to buy nine luxury yachts instead of ten. So imagine what they'll do if the Wonder Woman movie under-performs for any reason. Not only will it likely be the first and last time we'll ever see a Wonder Woman movie on the big screen, but it will also blast any chances of seeing any other DC movie with a female lead right out of the sky. Power Girl movie? It would never happen. Supergirl? Deader than the Kryptonian race. Huntress, Black Canary, Mary Marvel, any female lantern, the rumored Harley Quinn solo flick, all of them lidded by Hollywood suits all too happy to smugly say "We told you so!" as they go right back to their guns of how female-leads don't sell tickets. Then we'll be back at square one, with comic book movies being a super-powered pickle jar and the studios wondering why people get pissed off and call them sexist when the only female member on the team is also the only one that gets left almost entirely out of the marketing and merchandise.
            Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
              We all know that DC is playing catch-up with Marvel, and DC really wants to one-up Marvel in some way. And how do they do that? Well, they do the one thing Marvel hasn't done yet despite being 12 movies into their cinematic universe; a female-led summer blockbuster.
              Right now, yeah, but wait until 2019 when Marvel beats DC to the punch yet again when Captain Marvel comes out...
              My 3DS Friend Code (Pokémon Omega Ruby): 5155-3940-2343 (Shiny Pokémon wanted.)

              My DeviantArt Page: (Follow me on Twitter @Prfctcellrulz)


              • #8
                So Disney and Marvel are putting Georgia on notice about their Religious Liberty Bill. Basically they're saying you pass it we're not filming there.



                • #9
                  Heard reviews for dawn of Justice haven't been so stellar. Not surprised
                  All the game girls need a good fucking, and we're just the guys to help them out.


                  • #10
                    So...a few minutes ago, my best friend surprised me with three tickets to the midnight release of Batman v Superman tonight and she wants my husband and I to join her. Oh boy...given both my feelings of the build-up to this movie AND the shitty reviews pouring in like a flash flood, I'm not looking forward to this. But I've never been one to refuse a friend, and I suppose I'll have to see this sooner or later. May as well get it over with.

                    I better call a babysitter...
                    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


                    • #11
                      I looked at the cast of this movie and discovered that Jason Momoa, who plays Aquaman is in it. He's from Des Moines, where I live. I ALSO discovered I know his mother.
                      Every time an old person dies, a library burns down.

                      There's no shame in growing old. Some people don't get the chance.


                      • #12
                        Here's how Elizabeth Banks will look as Rita Repulsa in the upcoming Power Rangers movie. Where's the cone boobs? Where's the freaky hair?

                        Last edited by ; 04-19-2016, 12:44 PM.


                        • #13
                          There are some superheroes whose popularity I just don’t understand. Maybe one of y'all can explain it to me.

                          The Punisher: A guy's whole family is killed, and he arms up to take violent, bloody revenge. I've seen this movie....a lot, actually, mostly in the 80s. So what makes the Punisher different from the rest of them?

                          Power Girl: She's Supergirl's clone, which makes her a copy of a character who is already a knockoff of another character. Apart from her boob-window costume, how is she cooler than any of the other Super-people?

                          Hellboy: I've seen the movies (even the animated ones), and it feels like they’'re all trying to convince you that the character is cool instead of actually making the character cool. What am I missing?

                          And just to balance things out, here are a few heroes who I think ARE super-cool:

                          Black Canary: She has to use martial arts on low-level bad guys because her Canary Cry would kill them outright.

                          Black Panther: Pretty much the last word in "secret man from a secret land" heroes. Plus, the costume.

                          Daredevil: His super senses and the ways in which he can use them (eg, he can tell by the weight of a gun how many bullets are left in it) make him qualitatively different from most other heroes.

                          Ghost Rider: Because flaming skull and chains, badly scripted Nick Cage movies be damned.

                          Vixen: Cool powers. Plus the name pretty much says "Sticks and stones...can't hurt me either, actually."
                          Last edited by George Glass; 04-20-2016, 12:39 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by George Glass View Post
                            There are some superheroes whose popularity I just don’t understand. Maybe one of y'all can explain it to me.

                            The Punisher: A guy's whole family is killed, and he arms up to take violent, bloody revenge. I've seen this movie....a lot, actually, mostly in the 80s. So what makes the Punisher different from the rest of them?

                            Power Girl: She's Supergirl's clone, which makes her a copy of a character who is already a knockoff of another character. Apart from her boob-window costume, how is she cooler than any of the other Super-people?

                            Hellboy: I've seen the movies (even the animated ones), and it feels like they’'re all trying to convince you that the character is cool instead of actually making the character cool. What am I missing?
                            The Punisher is a classic American crime story put into comic book form, Frank Castle's family killed in a mob hit and him taking vengeance. Later iterations have him suffering PTSD to such an extent that to him the war never really ended and now he's substituting enemy soldiers with murderers, rapists, and other forms of scum and villainy. Unlike Batman though who beats the snot out of thugs and the mentally ill, the Punisher is under no such delusion that he's a hero. He knows his methods well exceed the acceptable code of conduct and if he was ever caught he'd go straight to death row and that as far as the other heroes and general public are concerned he's just as much a villain as The Green Goblin or Taskmaster...and he's okay with that. He doesn't have a problem with other heroes and won't try and stop them, but he gets in his way he will defend himself. And unlike other heroes who have access to unlimited funds and genius-level IQs, he's just a regular guy who uses military training and guns to get the job done.

                            Power Girl isn't a Supergirl clone. She's an alternate-reality Supergirl who ended up in mainstream DC because her universe imploded and she was the sole survivor (unless it was retconned, which I'm not ruling out given DC's insecurity.) While she share's Clark's morale code and good nature, unlike Clark and Kara she doesn't mind breaking a few bones if it means getting the job done. Also, like most female superheroes, she wears a horrifically impractical costume that shows of 70% oh her boobs, so there's that.

                   played by Ron Perlman and loves cats. =P Okay, that's not all there is, but they're big ones. Hellboy is pretty much everyone's cool big brother. He may be the son of the devil and fights monsters for a living, but he likes to relax, drink beer, eat pizza, and watch TV like the rest of us regular schmoes. He's relatable, unlike Batman where DC likes to pretend he's relatable when in reality he's anything but.
                            Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
                              The Punisher is a classic American crime story put into comic book form, Frank Castle's family killed in a mob hit and him taking vengeance. Later iterations have him suffering PTSD to such an extent that to him the war never really ended and now he's substituting enemy soldiers with murderers, rapists, and other forms of scum and villainy. Unlike Batman though who beats the snot out of thugs and the mentally ill, the Punisher is under no such delusion that he's a hero. He knows his methods well exceed the acceptable code of conduct and if he was ever caught he'd go straight to death row and that as far as the other heroes and general public are concerned he's just as much a villain as The Green Goblin or Taskmaster...and he's okay with that. He doesn't have a problem with other heroes and won't try and stop them, but he gets in his way he will defend himself. And unlike other heroes who have access to unlimited funds and genius-level IQs, he's just a regular guy who uses military training and guns to get the job done.
                              Ah--an anti-hero, then. Not my thing, but I get it.

                              Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
                              Power Girl isn't a Supergirl clone. She's an alternate-reality Supergirl who ended up in mainstream DC because her universe imploded and she was the sole survivor (unless it was retconned, which I'm not ruling out given DC's insecurity.)
                              JLU made her an unauthorized clone of Supergirl--but physically a few years older, hence the bigger boobs--and called her Galatea (a name sometimes attributed to Pygmalion's statue-brought-to-life). I wonder how else that show screwed with canon?

                              Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
                              While she share's Clark's morale code and good nature, unlike Clark and Kara she doesn't mind breaking a few bones if it means getting the job done. Also, like most female superheroes, she wears a horrifically impractical costume that shows of 70% oh her boobs, so there's that.
                              So, an attempt to make the big red S edgy by upping the violence and replacing the S with cleavage. Hmm.

                              Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
                     played by Ron Perlman and loves cats. =P Okay, that's not all there is, but they're big ones. Hellboy is pretty much everyone's cool big brother. He may be the son of the devil and fights monsters for a living, but he likes to relax, drink beer, eat pizza, and watch TV like the rest of us regular schmoes. He's relatable, unlike Batman where DC likes to pretend he's relatable when in reality he's anything but.
                              Except that Hellboy does all these normal things in a secret government facility, has comic books written about him, and is basically a celebrity. To my mind, that makes him about as relatable as Sean Penn.

                              In any case, thanks for taking the time to 'splain to me, NK!

