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Movie and TV News/Rumors

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  • Movie and TV News/Rumors

    What's this? No general thread for movie and TV news and rumors? Well, let me remedy that!

    So, remember a few years ago when it was announced that Seth Rogen was going to be in an animated movie called Sausage Party, and then it was almost immediately forgotten about because it sounded like yet another dumb, mindless, unfunny kids movie like that of Shark Tale? Well, the trailer just hit the other day, and....

    .........holy shit. O_O

    Now just to clarify, this isn't a kids movie nor family movie...obviously. It's marketed as a spoof of the various Pixar and pre-Shrek III, post-Flushed Away DreamWorks movies actually looks funny. Twisted and dark, sure, but funny. The last time a genuinely good spoof movie came out in theaters was Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox story, and parody has pretty much been dead otherwise. So I hope this film is genuinely good and is a big hit, so that Hollywood suits realize that good spoof movies are still marketable.
    Last edited by Nurse Katie; 03-18-2016, 09:26 PM. Reason: Fixed video-embedding.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

  • #2
    I'm a big Seth Rogen fan. I may check this movie out...
    My 3DS Friend Code (Pokémon Omega Ruby): 5155-3940-2343 (Shiny Pokémon wanted.)

    My DeviantArt Page: (Follow me on Twitter @Prfctcellrulz)


    • #3
      wait we didn't make a general TV/Movie thread, whoops.


      • #4
        So Indiana Jones 5 is officially going to happen. As one of the few supporters of Indy 4, I'd like to be excited for this movie... but I know it's made by Disney and the huge success of Force Awakens guarantees the direction of this movie. Yep, total nostalgia love-fest. Expect boulders, Nazis, whips and melting faces. Progress.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lyger View Post
          So Indiana Jones 5 is officially going to happen. As one of the few supporters of Indy 4, I'd like to be excited for this movie... but I know it's made by Disney and the huge success of Force Awakens guarantees the direction of this movie. Yep, total nostalgia love-fest. Expect boulders, Nazis, whips and melting faces. Progress.
          As someone who hated the very shit of the Star Wars move in general, the second more than the first oddly and not for Jar Jar Binks or not just for him, that enjoyed Indy vs. Extradimensional aliens and russian mofo(guest starring the BEEEF) like having a colonscopy in the worst cesspool of Caracas..
          Gimme Nostalgia or gimme death!
          No really if I have to choose...
          But honestly....another indy movie? Why? Is there somethign else to say, honestly? and with Harrison Ford , that is not as fresh as he was years ago.(hell I too start to feel the kilometers from when Indy 4 was in Cinema!! 14 was my birthday and i turned 3. SO I think it will be just a long flashback, in style with the adventure of young indiana jones(aka the best possible closure Indy story could have...if they got balls they will show how indy will lose his eye).
          Or we will be, oh fuck it, graced with the bizarre adventure of Shia le Buff young indinana jones...qwhat eveyrone who liked indy and the crystal magnetic aliens deserve.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
            What's this? No general thread for movie and TV news and rumors? Well, let me remedy that!

            So, remember a few years ago when it was announced that Seth Rogen was going to be in an animated movie called Sausage Party, and then it was almost immediately forgotten about because it sounded like yet another dumb, mindless, unfunny kids movie like that of Shark Tale? Well, the trailer just hit the other day, and....


            .........holy shit. O_O

            Now just to clarify, this isn't a kids movie nor family movie...obviously. It's marketed as a spoof of the various Pixar and pre-Shrek III, post-Flushed Away DreamWorks movies actually looks funny. Twisted and dark, sure, but funny. The last time a genuinely good spoof movie came out in theaters was Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox story, and parody has pretty much been dead otherwise. So I hope this film is genuinely good and is a big hit, so that Hollywood suits realize that good spoof movies are still marketable.
            on one side this could open the animation door for spoof movies that had become..well you said it well. Is kind of dead. On the other side shit if it is disturbing. And not for what one could think. Because in the end you know that they are going Short of the movie ending in a sort of starving armageddon that's it. Is kind disturbing that way.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nurse Katie View Post
              What's this? No general thread for movie and TV news and rumors? Well, let me remedy that!

              So, remember a few years ago when it was announced that Seth Rogen was going to be in an animated movie called Sausage Party, and then it was almost immediately forgotten about because it sounded like yet another dumb, mindless, unfunny kids movie like that of Shark Tale? Well, the trailer just hit the other day, and....


              .........holy shit. O_O

              Now just to clarify, this isn't a kids movie nor family movie...obviously. It's marketed as a spoof of the various Pixar and pre-Shrek III, post-Flushed Away DreamWorks movies actually looks funny. Twisted and dark, sure, but funny. The last time a genuinely good spoof movie came out in theaters was Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox story, and parody has pretty much been dead otherwise. So I hope this film is genuinely good and is a big hit, so that Hollywood suits realize that good spoof movies are still marketable.
              Speaking as someone who still owns a copy of Walk Hard, I echo this sentiment.


              • #8
                The next Disney animated movie to get rebooted is The Black Cauldron. Wait What!?



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ferretlord View Post
                  The next Disney animated movie to get rebooted is The Black Cauldron. Wait What!?

                  I've wanted to talk about The Black Cauldron for a while now, and now the opportunity has fallen straight into my lap!

                  The Black Cauldron, based on "The Chronicles of Prydain" by author Lloyd Alexander, isn't so much a black sheep of Disney Classics as it is a black goat that thinks it's a sheep. It's one of the few Disney movies that the company has actively went out of their way to avoid and pretend never even existed. Now think about that for a minute. Disney gets untold amounts of shit today for their takes on Cinderella, Snow White, and just everything else they made pre-Little Mermaid for their antiquated fairy tale structures, yet Disney still stands by them as the classics they are and they still see DVD and theatrical re-releases to this day. Sure, they may refuse to release Song of the South on home-video format of any kind, but they at least still acknowledge that it exists....and it's The Black Cauldron that they're ashamed of. Why? What is it about this movie that draws such animosity from the very people that made it?

                  It took ten minutes of re-watching it to find out.

                  To get the obvious out of the way, it has almost nothing to do with the books they're based on. Characters are severely reduced or changed if not cut from the movie entirely, and the world of Prydain looks so indistinct from every other medieval fantasy (especially at that time) that nothing stands out. You could swap out shots of locations and environments with that of Sword in the Stone and Sleeping Beauty and none would be the wiser. In the books the bard, Fflewddur Fflam, was a boastful tramp with a real hard-on for exaggeration, and his harp would break a string whenever he bent the truth too much. In the movie, he's a bumbling doof who serves as comic-relief. Doli was a dwarf in the books but in the movie he's a fairy because...reasons, and Taran acts so unlike himself it's kind of painful. But the biggest victim of this book-to-movie transition is Princess Eillonwy, where in the movie she's exactly what she's not in the books; a generic pretty princess who serves as little more than a love interest for the hero. And when characters aren't drastically changed they just aren't given anything to do so you wonder why they even bothered including them. The Horned King in particular, while nightmare inducing and voiced beautifully by John Hurt, doesn't really do anything outside of talking about his plan and how he'll win the war. A war that's talked about throughout the movie but we never actually see and we're never even told who's fighting in it and why. In short this movie isn't so much based on The Chronicles of Prydain as it is very loosely inspired by it.

                  But hey, an inaccurate representation of the source material can still stand on it's own as a good movie. Look at How to Train Your Dragon. Those movies have settings, characters, and lore from the books they're based on, but they're very much their own stories and people absolutely love them. Sadly, this is where The Black Cauldron falls at almost every hurdle. For starters, the pacing. It's boring. More than half the movie is just characters faffing about or not doing anything at all. Now slow moments and pauses are important, especially in kid and family movies. It teaches them patience and the appreciation of atmosphere, but the pacing in The Black Cauldron isn't stopping to enjoy the pretty sights as it is spending the night at the airport because your flight got cancelled.

                  Next is tone, and my god is it all over the place in this movie. The movie opens on a creepy note, with narration from John Huston (who voiced Gandalf in the Rankin/Bass cartoon of The Hobbit) revealing that the titular Black Cauldron was created when a king so evil even the gods feared him was cast into molting iron and his soul and evil power sealed within the cauldron made from it. Even by Sleeping Beauty and "A Night on Bald Mountain" standards, that's some heavy shit for a Disney film. So what happens for that? We cut to a Taran whining about how he wants to be a warrior instead of a farm-hand taking care of an adorable psychic pig. And that's not an isolated incident; stuff like that happens throughout the entire movie! One minute it's dark and intense and the next it's bright and cheery. It's like two different people each wanted to make a very different movie, one a dark and surreal fantasy epic and the other a cheerful and colorful fairy tale, but they had to meet in the middle and the result left much to be desired. And that's to say nothing of the fact that it was marketed as a children's movie. Ball dropped on that one.

                  So does that mean it's a bad movie? Well, I wouldn't say so. It certainly isn't good, but it does have sort of a weird charm to it. I know this goes without saying, but the animation is absolutely gorgeous. And while the designs of the characters and setting aren't particularly unique, they are still done very well. Take this for what it's worth, but while the movie may not be fun to watch it is at least fun to look at. It's one of those movies that stands from its crowd, but for all the wrong reasons. It's an animated contradiction that's too dark and weird to fit in with the rest of the Disney pantheon yet still too Disney to stand with anything else. So part of me would just assume that it stay forgotten...but on the other hand if Pete's Dragon, of all things, can get a reboot then The Black Cauldron certainly deserves a second chance. And who knows? Maybe it will get the respect and treatment it deserves and we'll get something that's not only closer to the books but also something closer to a fantasy epic than a fairy tale. Done right, we could have Disney's Lord of the Rings instead of another Eragon or Golden Compass. I mean, what's the worse that could happ-fuck, I can't even finish that.

                  Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


                  • #10
                    Katie, me personally I'd call it an odd duck oif a film, for the reasons you pointed out. You did forget to mention the films enormous overbloated budget due to a number of reasons. first was a number of delays, then there's the infamous rewrites, staff quitting "including Don Bluth," and re-edits. It's well known there was full frontal nudity animated for the film that the producers cut.

                    Disney did release the film on DVD, but failed to give it the fanfare of say Sleeping Beauty, or Peter Pan.


                    • #11
                      Every time I see the trailer for Suicide Squad it gets me more hyped for that movie!
                      My 3DS Friend Code (Pokémon Omega Ruby): 5155-3940-2343 (Shiny Pokémon wanted.)

                      My DeviantArt Page: (Follow me on Twitter @Prfctcellrulz)


                      • #12
                        Well here's some of the reviews of Batman Vs Superman Dawn Of Justice.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Incubus2016 View Post
                          Well here's some of the reviews of Batman Vs Superman Dawn Of Justice.

                          As I have stated for the past 4 years whenever I started up a new "I Hate the Academy Awards" thread, I choose to ignore stuff like Rotten Tomatoes and still see (Insert Movie Name Here) no matter what.

                          Same clearly holds true for Batman V. Superman and I'm clearly going to be completely biased towards it and praise it as one of the best movies I've ever seen. (At least in 2016 anyway)
                          My 3DS Friend Code (Pokémon Omega Ruby): 5155-3940-2343 (Shiny Pokémon wanted.)

                          My DeviantArt Page: (Follow me on Twitter @Prfctcellrulz)


                          • #14
                            Here's Chris Stuckman's review of Batman V. Superman.



                            • #15
                              Post deleted.
                              Last edited by Nurse Katie; 03-23-2016, 06:15 PM. Reason: Wrong thread. =P
                              Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

