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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • You have some cool character designs going on there, I particularly like that middle head. Like some kind of cyborg or something, it's pretty cool
    I'd like mornings better if they started later.


    • yeah I like that head too. it was originally going to be used on the main page of a website I started but never got off the ground a few years ago, back when I was going by "Omega_Digital"... but it never happened.


      • Really kickAss stuff Jive, i Strongly suggest you do more Human characters!
        i mean still do the furry thing, because everyone Loves scarlet and such. but yeah your human characters are great!

        BTW i Really REALLY like that Pink hair squirl, that hair over the Eye things i have always loved . she doesnt seem like scarlet either, theres somthing about her that seems varry punker/Badgirl ish. maybe you make her like an Evil twin to scarlet


        • I just really like how you put different characters into one.


          • Like mongrels? :P

            Naw, just kidding. So many different combinations... Life is good. Keep it up.


            • U should combine character more often.


              • Holy Crap I just hit 30,000 hits! Awesome!


                • Congradulation, Jive Guru.


                  • dam... your thread is getting more hits then some website do dude!!! awsome. congrats!


                    • Originally posted by Jive Guru
                      *shrugs* Ah what the heck.... here's some old anthro stuff I did... Hey can you guys figure out how a certain squirrel came to be?

                      Oh yeah, keep in mind all these were done in MSPaint.

                      ...Actually I am TOTALLY digging those squirrel colours... dont' suppose Scarlet has an evil twin or a sister or something? I'm absolutely adoring her!
                      Still love Scarlet, but this proto Scarlet really hits some nice spots too. ^.^
                      ~V.Kyrie (:*
             All real, all the time.


                      • Originally posted by V.Kyrie
                        Originally posted by Jive Guru
                        *shrugs* Ah what the heck.... here's some old anthro stuff I did... Hey can you guys figure out how a certain squirrel came to be?

                        Oh yeah, keep in mind all these were done in MSPaint.

                        ...Actually I am TOTALLY digging those squirrel colours... dont' suppose Scarlet has an evil twin or a sister or something? I'm absolutely adoring her!
                        Still love Scarlet, but this proto Scarlet really hits some nice spots too. ^.^
                        ~V.Kyrie (:*
                        thats not a bad idea really, my first character I ever created evloved from a design I made in to another forum, the older forum became her own character her self


                        • Actually, I do have an idea of what Scarlet's family would be like, though truthfully I have not designed any of them.

                          Her mom is Rose, and she's your basic stay at home mom who is a milf.
                          and her older sister is Ruby, who would have to be the opposite of Scarlet of course.

                          Oh... and there's no father figure. Not that he's an asshole parent or anything, but he died or disappeared or something so Scarlet never met him.

                          So.... yeh. There's no evil twins or anything like that. Unless I dropped her into a sci-fi storyline of course.


                          • Originally posted by Jive Guru
                            Oh... and there's no father figure. Not that he's an asshole parent or anything, but he died or disappeared or something so Scarlet never met him.
                            That would actually be perfectly logical for squirrels (depending on how squirrel-like you want the character), they're always on the hunt for the next piece of tail.


                            • If there is an evil twin out ther, the true question is, which one is evil?


                              • and what will happen when they meet each other... im thinking..twin action, but thats just me!!!

