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"Simply Scarlet"

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  • it could also be the cover of the new hit game 'extreme squirrel volleyball'
    Final Fantasy 7


    • Awesome work ^-^


      • Oooh, noice!: D
        Makes me decide that sand is bearable.: P
        ~V.Kyrie (:* All real, all the time.


        • And then there was another one! BEHOLD!

          Yeah, just something I turned out in about an hour or so. Basically practice with her new doo. She's pretty bored though, I'd better do something about that or she'll be sleeping by the next picture.
          Attached Files


          • OMG i LOVE her hair! Looks awesome!


            • I agree, the hair looks really cool man! Everything is looking really good and I really like the last pic ^_^. I'll be looking forward to the next one.


              • New Hair

                Yes, I like the hair too, I've been trying to thicken it up, yet keep it similar to the way her hair usually falls. Not that I didn't like her old hair, but there was only so much you could do with it. This is mainly so I can do more in the near future.

                For instance, with her old hair I just couldn't get how to draw her from the back, and now I've got something to work with.


                • Jive, where did you get your avatar from? i must have it! :P
                  Final Fantasy 7


                  • Originally posted by Nafruf
                    Jive, where did you get your avatar from? i must have it! :P
                    i gunna ask the same thing... looking at the style... it looks like Jive Made it himself!!! imperssive


                    • Yes that's right, I did indeed make the new Avatar myself... a couple years ago.

                      I found it on an old CD I burned and thought it was pretty cool. I don't have a gif animator anymore though, so until I figure that out I won't be able to make another more recent (possibly Scarlet based) one.
                      Attached Files


                      • it is a cool avatar
                        do you have a larger version?


                        • Nope... that's the only size there is.

                          I guess if you wanted to magnify it you could save it/open it in "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" that comes with XP and just zoom in, but it's awfully pixelated.


                          • As I found out, it was too pixelated.


                            • when i use my GE force's special ability of zooming in it just makes the pic bigger, i have no porb with the pixels

                              unfortunatley i cant do crap in the zoomed window other than take a screen shot... but this is what it looks like 4X zoomed in... i can go up to 10 :P


                              • Ahh! My secrets are being revealed! NOOOOOO!


                                Yep, I built that pixel by pixel, I'm proud of my pixelly goodness, all 5 frames of it!

                                Here they are for your viewing pleasure.
                                Attached Files

