homebrew naughtiness – post 151

So at the next Komiket (Japanese Comic Market) it’s been announced that a homebrew DS hentai game will be available for the public. Woah! Really? Yup, really… it’s not licensed by Nintendo or anything so you’ll need a flash cart to let it I would assume, but I guess there is rumour that it’ll be available in Akihabara after Komiket though.

I wonder if this will open more doors for this type of DS homebrew. I’m more surprised that it took this long really. I really home we see more, because… well… I’m a pervert ^_^

Oh! I never mentioned the name of the title. It’s Half Elf Tentacle Assault and so one can assume it has tentacles in it. Not really my bag, but I’ll be sure to try it out as soon as I can.

Aww, yeah ^_^

Info gathered at…

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