
So my wife and discovered we have some mold in our down stairs rec room.  We got rid of an old couch and found the baseboard had some mold on it.  We moved some other furniture and found a bit more.  Ugh… this sucks so much.  We have a mold guy coming in tomorrow to check it out but we pretty much know what he’s going to say.  We just need the details of how bad and how much $$$.

Anyone else have to deal with mold in the home at one point or another?  What pains me is that as soon as you say “mold” it can make others think “what kind of house/shack do you live in”.  The think is, we live in a very nice house.  I’m quite proud of the house we have and how we’re making renovations to make it our own.  We’re actually putting down new hardwood floors this summer.  But even the nicest house can have secrets behind it’s walls.  The one thing that I tell my friends that buy homes is that “when you buy a house, you’re buying someone else’s problems” and I 100% believe that.

I’m not looking forward to all this.  I wish I could just jump forward in time to when it’s all over.  And no, that’s not my house in the photo.  Good god, how can anyone ignore a problem like that. o_O

7 Responses to “Mold”

  • Zafo Says:

    Mold huh?
    How is that “Fairy Facials” set comming allong?

    • Joe Randel Says:

      The Fairy Facials folio is coming along slowly right now due to the life things that are happening. I do work on it when I get time though. What’s great is that I’m still excited to be doing this and I’ve not gotten board of it. ^_^

  • Kitty Says:

    An apt building I lived in had a unknown mold problem on the bottom floor mostly, we lived on the top (two floor apts) But I still had issues that were like. OOOH. I get it now… When we found out there was mold. It seems to have triggered off a ezcemic reaction in my hands to my allergens too boot, even though I’ve long since moved. Good news is somehow vitamin D seems to help it, and guess what, its spring and soon summer, sooo I shall try and get my daily vitamin D without taking pills. I’m hoping a summer of sunshine and no mold will fix my hands so it doesn’t come back. (The ezcema) Could be why your allergies seemed to hit harder this year? Good luck

  • JJ Says:

    Jeez, man. I hope that it is a minor and easily treatable case. We get some mold on our apartment walls in the (very) humid summer months, but it isn’t bad (a spray bottle of water/bleach and a rag gets rid of it).

    That picture is revolting…. That people can live like this just goes to show how infirm our psychological makeup can be. Reminds me of people who hoard (kinda sad and fascinating at the same time).

  • Humbird0 Says:

    That photo looks like some place out of a survival-horror game.

  • Kitty Says:

    Btw, I forgot to mention, it looks like the house was a victim of flooding, you can see where the mold is heavier around the bottom 1/3 of the walls.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Yeah, I noticed that too. It must be a disaster house. Although I’ve watched shows about people that don’t look after their house and the scenes are pretty close to that.

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