Father’s Day!

Dad’s Day came and went earlier this month but I figured I’d make a post about what I got from my family. I didn’t get much, but that’s okay because I don’t see Father’s Day as a gift grab sort of day like, oh… a wedding day. My family took me to a huge used game shop in Milton, about an hour away from where I live. I loved looking through all the old games but I kept myself reserved about what I bought. In the end I walked away with The Little Mermaid the NES. A game I remember in a Nintendo Power a long time ago and always wanted to try. It was fun. Kind of short and easy, but it made me very happy to play it and add it to my collection. Skyward Sword also came home with me seeing as I’ve yet to play it and can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Also, my wife got me a little Tinkerbell figure because she knows how much I loves me some Tink. My family rocks. ^_^

3 Responses to “Father’s Day!”

  • MMM Says:

    Tell ’em Groucho sent you!

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Good choice on Skyward Sword. It takes a bit to get used to the Wiimote, but once you get it it’s awesome!
    Also, have you heard the good news? Nintendo is making an accessory to the WiiU just for the new Super Smash Bros game so that gamers can once again use the Gamecube controller! I am super stoked!

  • JJ Says:

    I’d really like to hear your opinion on Skyward Sword.

    Don’t remember TLM, so can’t say much about it. However, recognize a good haul when I see one.

    Happy belated father’s day, man.

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