It’s The End of the World!

I’m sure you’re aware that the Mayan’s have predicted the end of the world.  Seriously… true story.  According to their calendar system and then merged with our calendar the date will fall on December 21, 2012.  Less than 10 days and then it’s all over people.  Sigh… the sad thing is that some people really do believe this to be true.  I won’t go in to the details of Mayan long count calendar (I’ve read up on it), but I have done a little research in to what people think will happen.  It seems to cover everything from massive solar flares, asteroids, the magnetic poles switching and a secret hidden planet that exists behinds the sun coming in to view.  I can’t say for 100% that one or any of those things will happen, but I can say that I feel pretty safe.  Plus if it really is the end of the world, no point in stocking up on canned goods or bottled water right?

But let’s say that the world was going to end.  What would you do?  What would do with the time you had left?  Would it be the same as usual for you or would you run off and try to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do?  Loot some stores?  Tell your boss to suck your dick?  Take part in a few end of the world orgies?  I think I would quit my job after my last pay check and spend the rest of my time with my family.  They’re the only ones I’d want to be with when it all goes down.

5 Responses to “It’s The End of the World!”

  • sona Says:

    personaly i dont know what to beleave after watching ancient aliens haha alot of stuff they say makes sence but at the same time it makes no sence at all, but if the world was going to end i whould just want to spend as much time with my mate as i chould <3

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    It better not be the end of the world, or all the pain I’ll have gone through for the yearly stocktake at work tomorrow will be for naught!

  • John M Hanna Says:

    The way I see it, if we’re lucky on December 21, the world blows up, we all die, the end. If we’re not lucky, on December 22 its back too the same old grind.
    If the world were really ending, I’d be asking every girl I see if they’d like to make out with me. What have I got to lose at that point?

  • phil Says:

    My friends and I often toss around ideas for “the end of the world” and the one that scares us all the most is; All living things stop dieing.
    Imagine the bug and bacteria overload everything would be alive in. Horrible dismemberment does not kill you… hamburger meat is still alive, the images go on and on. The end of the World does not mean we have to end, only the World ends.

  • JJ Says:

    I apologize in advance, but I’m gonna take a somber tone in this comment.

    Irrational beliefs such as this really sour my day. Not so much because people believe them–people have all sorts of strange beliefs (myself probably included)–but because of the danger that the people who hold these beliefs represent toward others. For example, there is a hyper-crazy christian figure who has predicted the rapture several times now (he has apparently been wrong each time), but his followers still remain loyal. Last time he did so, there was a case (I think in California) of a woman with children who so feared that her kids may suffer during the rapture that she tried to kill them before (I guess humanely) before they were subjected to whatever is supposed to happen according to that nut-job. It really depresses me to see that (especially in this day and age) people still are listening to doomsday zealots, when there is no evidence to back up what said zealots are claiming.

    That said, if the end were to come and I knew of it in advance… truth be told I probably still do the same thing, given my skeptical nature. However, I it were certain to happen, then I think I’d travel to Norway and base jump off of the fjords. I wouldn’t suicide, both since I want as much life as possible, and since I would want to see what the end of the world is like (I don’t want to see this, but I would if it is unavoidable).

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