Jan 17 2015

Disney Vacation!!!

So last in December of 2014 I took my family on a vacation to Disney World. This is our third trip to Disney, but the first time we’ve ever been during the holidays. We weren’t over there for Christmas, just the beginning of the month. I took lots of pics and if your interested, just follow the link and check out some of the things I saw when I was there.

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Oct 4 2014

Tinker Candy

The other day I was going though the left over candy in the back of the cupboard. All the candy that the kids received during the course of the year and then quietly forgotten. In the search I found this pack of Pixie Hollow candy and since I’m a lover of Tink and friends I just had to check them out. Looks wise they’re pretty good. Except Iridessa (yellow) has bangs like Tinkerbell… which isn’t right at all. These are the only ones I have left. I ate the rest. They were okay… not great candies. But now I’m at the point that if I eat the remaining figures… I’ll have no more. Sad times… sad times.

I’m a freak.

Sep 22 2014

Meet Nimue

One very cool thing that happened in the past week, is my Chris Sanders Nimue statue came in! I was so happy when it showed up. It was taking some time and I was starting to get worried. But then I received a personalized email saying my statue was on its way! Woo!! I’ll share with you the unboxing pics I took so you can see what she came with.

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Sep 21 2014

Long Time Gone

Hey, wow… it’s um… been a while. The summer sort of got away from me and with that so did my drawing time. Sometimes life and family must to take precedence to drawing porns. It usually happens in the summer time so I shouldn’t be too surprised. That’s when there are lots more visits and gatherings both at my house and at others. this summer was especially busy to say the least. Biggest event (which took up most of the summer) was moving the in-laws to a condo from a house. That means you have to go through 30+ years of stuff you’ve acquired and decide what you want to take with you and what you can do with out. It’s not a fun job, but it’s easier when there is family there to help you out.

There is one thing that pertains to art that has slowed me down though. Over the past while I’ve applied to be apart of art collections, shirt designs and other artistic endeavors. It’s something that I very much would love to do. Seeing my art in proper print format would be fantastic! Sadly, I’ve yet to be accepted and it’s bumming me out. I watch other artists that I follow get involved with these projects with ease and go on to create great works. Plus they get the chance to be involved with some excellent talent. It’s very much something I’d like to do, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Either with my naughty arts or my proper safe for work art. For some reason, this is a sticking point for me. A hurdle that I just can’t get past. I’m trying not to let it get me down too much. It was suggested by a close friend to draw some of my old characters and just have fun with it. He even passed me an idea. I’ve taken it as far as the rough version and I’ve put it up to share, because I like it when artists share rough work and it’s something I don’t do enough of.

That’s pretty much it for now. Sorry to have been away for so long and thanks for being patient. Oh, I forgot another reason that art time has gotten shorter. I bought Dr. Luigi for the Wii U and my wife has turned in to fanatic! We’ve had so many Dr. Luigi/Mario 2 player battles it’s crazy. My wife doesn’t play games so I welcome any time she wants to partake in my hobby. Who can say no when the wife wants to play Dr. with them. ^_^

Jun 26 2014

Father’s Day!

Dad’s Day came and went earlier this month but I figured I’d make a post about what I got from my family. I didn’t get much, but that’s okay because I don’t see Father’s Day as a gift grab sort of day like, oh… a wedding day. My family took me to a huge used game shop in Milton, about an hour away from where I live. I loved looking through all the old games but I kept myself reserved about what I bought. In the end I walked away with The Little Mermaid the NES. A game I remember in a Nintendo Power a long time ago and always wanted to try. It was fun. Kind of short and easy, but it made me very happy to play it and add it to my collection. Skyward Sword also came home with me seeing as I’ve yet to play it and can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Also, my wife got me a little Tinkerbell figure because she knows how much I loves me some Tink. My family rocks. ^_^

Jun 4 2014

Patreon or Not To Patreon

I’ve been seeing a lot of individuals take to Patreon and looking for support from the community and fans for their art. Patreon does seem like great way to reach out to those that follow you and your work and are looking to get a little bit more and make connections with creative types. Unfortunately, I don’t see myself getting on the wagon. Why? Mostly because I’m scared. Maybe that’s too strong a word. Concerned might be a better way to put it. See, I don’t get much time to draw. I have a wife, a few kids and a full time job, plus family comes over to visit often enough that drawing time gets cut short sometimes. I do the best I can for sure. Usually get an hour or two in the evening when wife and I are watching tv. Not a lot when you compare it to other artists that are able to post a pic a day (which is awesome by the way). Basically, I don’t want to be ripping people off. I don’t want to make fans jaded because they’ve supported me and felt like they got nothing in return. Plus making the promise to deliver more (or special content) to those that donate a lot could cut in to the base level of pics and put me behind the eight ball on all the regular stuff. It stresses me out just thinking about it. It’s basically why I only take one commission at a time. To all those that are making Patreon work, that’s fantastic! I’d love to hear stories and feedback on how they like it. Maybe it’s not as bad as I think it is. I’m also not sure if enough would support me to even make it worth the effort.

For now, I think I’ll continue to do things the old fashion way. I’ll do commissions and work on side projects too. What sort of side projects? Well, Fairy Fantasies went over very well and I would love to do more of them. In fact, I’ve roughed thumbed a Rosetta one with ideas for a Fawn one in my head. I’ve also been roughing out a Pony folio too. I’m inspired by all the awesome pony artists out there and would love to throw my hat in that stable. Pillow cases are something I’ve been toying with too. I’ve been contacted and asked if I would supply designs for some, so now it’s just finding time and a good design. So as you can see, I might not have much time but, I do have ideas, love and passion for drawing what I draw. As far as support from the community is concerned. Just like and reblog my art to spread the word around. Invest in my projects and buy commissions. Basically, everything you have been doing! Honestly, everyone has been so great when it comes down to it. I’ve so rarely had any issues regarding anything I’ve done and people have been nothing but supportive with great feedback!

So for now, no changes here. Maybe in the future I’ll find a way to make it work but for now things will continue as they have been and most of all, thanks for all your support! Everyone of you is awesome! ^_^