
Iridessa ends my Patreon supported fairies series. I’m so glad I got to the opportunity to draw them all. Supporters got this picture plus 5 edits, which are always fun to do too. Dang I love this pic. She came out great! I think that Iridessa is one of the more underrated characters in the films. I wish she would have got more screen time. Oh well… I can at least make the Iridessa fans happy with this one. I know they’re out there.
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at myPatreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Or you can find past Patreon Rewards at myGumroad page. Thanks!
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no comments | tags: fairy, iridessa, tinkerbell | posted in art, naughty

September’s Patreon art is done and it’s none other then… Vidia! She’s probably the fairy I like the least of the group. Even though I say that, I really do enjoy the few pictures I’ve done of her. Maybe I’m turning a corner with her
All but one has been drawn so far. Have you been following along? Do you know which one it is?
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Or you can find past Patreon Rewards at my Gumroad page. Thanks!
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2 comments | tags: tinkerbell, vidia

Rosetta was the fairy voted to be drawn for the month of August by the Patreon crowd. I simply adore this southern belle garden fairy, but then again… I’m such a sucker for red heads. It can be so hard to pick a favourite. I mean… it’s not like you have to pick just one. I think I like all of them for different reasons. Except for Vidia. She’s my least favourite. It’ll be interesting to see when I have to draw her.
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Or you can find past Patreon Rewards at my Gumroad page. Thanks!
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no comments | tags: rosetta, tinkerbell | posted in art, naughty

One could say that I that I simply love drawing Silvermist. It would be true of course. Ever since that Tink folio I made she’s had a spot in my heart. She’s such a cute, soft-spoken character. I do love drawing all the fairies of course, but Silvermist is just something special.
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Or you can find past Patreon Rewards at my Gumroad page. Thanks!
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3 comments | tags: silvermist, tinkerbell | posted in art, naughty

Goodness! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I totally apologize for neglecting all you. Let me make it up by posting up some new Tink art. Rather then a sexy/smutty picture, I wanted to have a moment where it’s inadvertently sexy. I like that. A quick peek that maybe you weren’t meant to see. I think I got it pretty good with this one. Quite happy with it. ^_^
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Or you can find past Patreon Rewards at my Gumroad page. Thanks!
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no comments | tags: nsfw, tinkerbell | posted in art, naughty

Well… tumblr lewds are a thing of the past, so I guess they’re going miss out on this Fairy Mary pic. She was requested by a Patreon supporter and I couldn’t be happier, because it’s not everyday I get to draw a sexy, thicc fairy. Especially at Christmas time.
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!
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1 comment | tags: christmas, fairy mary, nsfw, tinkerbell | posted in art, naughty