Nov 14 2011

Adventures in Sex City

In Feb of 2010, I was checking over Reddit when I saw a link to a sex game.  It was for the Middlesex – London Health Unit (in London Ontario) to teach about sex health.  Of course, me being me and how I feel about sex, I checked it out.  It’s… a little crude, but the message is what’s important.  Now, me being me again…  I wanted to redesign the characters a little.  There are 4 main good guys/gals – Captain Condom, Power Pap, Wonder Vag and Willy the Kid.  There is also the Sperminator who is the bad guy.  Originally I wanted to redo all of them all clean and pretty.  Sadly I only made it as far as two characters.  Sperminator and Power Pap (who is a sexually active woman who believes in getting tested regularly).

Maybe one day I’ll do the rest, or perhaps if the Middlesex – London Health Unit contacted me I could be persuaded to in to some redesign.  Because, I do so love to draw sexy things and if I can help promote sex health… all the better. ^_^

Adventures in Sex City