Oct 31 2011

I'm on yer 3DS

So the other day I posted a stereoscopic image of my latest commission.  I can do them quite easily but I know others can’t.  So I went and made it in to a 3DS image.  It came out pretty good too I must say.  I do have to figure out how to make the image with out the 3DS putting in a black fuzzy boarder on the image.  I also had to crop it down a little so you could see the 3d-ness of it.  Now there is also a fan out there that has gone and made stereoscopic image of my old Gwen image.  This wasn’t recently done though, it was done way back in 2008!  I thought I was doing pretty good making this up now… I guess I was wrong. ^_^  I took the liberty to make his a 3DS image too.  Thanks FrankGuru!

So to get the 3DS images, just click on the pictures below and enjoy. ^_^

Oct 31 2011

I’m on yer 3DS

So the other day I posted a stereoscopic image of my latest commission.  I can do them quite easily but I know others can’t.  So I went and made it in to a 3DS image.  It came out pretty good too I must say.  I do have to figure out how to make the image with out the 3DS putting in a black fuzzy boarder on the image.  I also had to crop it down a little so you could see the 3d-ness of it.  Now there is also a fan out there that has gone and made stereoscopic image of my old Gwen image.  This wasn’t recently done though, it was done way back in 2008!  I thought I was doing pretty good making this up now… I guess I was wrong. ^_^  I took the liberty to make his a 3DS image too.  Thanks FrankGuru!

So to get the 3DS images, just click on the pictures below and enjoy. ^_^

Oct 29 2011

Lily the squee in 3D!!!

So here’s the deal, I love stereoscopic images.  I’ve been messing around with doing some and finally figured I’d give one of my pics a try.  So now I present you with Lily in THREEE DEEEEE!!!

(it’s the kind where you have to cross your eyes a bit and make the two images overlap as one.  Not everyone can do it, so don’t feel bad if you can’t).

I might make this an image for the 3DS too for all us 3DS owners out there. ^_^

Oct 29 2011

Metroidvania game… on your iPhone?

Look at what I came across the other day.  It’s a very cool metroidvania for your iPhone/Touch.  It’s called Dark Incursion and it’s put together pretty good I must say.  The game is a little short but I’ve heard whispers on the net that there’s more planned content.  It’s good a nice solid Castlevania style to it but there’s a twist with the items you get.  They only last so long so you have to manage how you use them, which is something I kind of like.

The other things that I can get behind is the pixel art is bang on!  I might be a bit biased though since is harkens back to my gaming youth.  Oh, and the portrait art of the main chick is nice too.  She’s got some nice assets there which makes me think the artist knows what he’s doing in that depatment… wink, wink.

The game also has a neat little 3D mode where you can put on your red/blue glasses and play in THHREEE  DEEE!!!  It might sound a bit odd, but it totally works.  Anyway, just thought I’d pass this along because I think that it’s totally sweet and I haven’t posted any game news in a while. ^_^

Dark Incursion App Store

Oct 28 2011

Lily the Squee!

What’s a squee you ask?  Why it’s a squirrel and a bee!  A squee!!  This is the latest commission I’ve completed and I just thought I’d show her off as I think she’s super cute. ^_^

SQUEE!!!  *Lily is a design of Luckpan*

Oct 4 2011

Too wet!

The commissions I’ve been ding thus far have been lots of fun I must say.  I hope everyone that’s received one has been pleased with the work too.  Here’s another for your viewing pleasure.  Me thinks that this little skunk should put down a towel next time.