So it’s no surprise that I dig Disney stuff. It should also be no surprise that I own Disney Infinity (WiiU) and very much enjoy it. I was able to pick it up at a Costco for about $28 or so last year. It looked like they were clearing them out to make space for other things and just wanted them gone, so I helped them with that. I’ve bought a few more figures and love them very much. I haven’t bought any of the Story mode packs (Cars, Lone Ranger, etc…) due to funds. I hope I can get them before they disappear.

Of course now there is this new temptation. The 2.0 version is out and they have a Tinkerbell figure. I want it very much. I might just pick up the figure and hold on to it until I get the game so I don’t miss out. Friends of mine have already bought the game and love it. I will admit… I’m a bit jelly of them. Flaunting their 2.0 all up in my face. Did anyone else out there take the plunge at get Infinity?
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7 comments | tags: disney, Infinity, tinkerbell, video games, wiiu | posted in video games

So any one out here pony up the dollar bills to buy one of the two most current consoles? I did not. I have a Wii U and I’m quite happy with it. I don’t get a lot of time to play so it doesn’t make sense for me to buy a new fancy system. Plus, the Wii U plays the games that I like to play. I also love being able to play my games off tv while Wife watches her shows. That is fantastic in my books. Plus I want my kids to grow up with Mario, Zelda and the Nintendo series that I grew up with. If I did have to choose one though, I think I’d buy a PS4. How about you?
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Secret of Mana. I remember renting it from the local mom and pop store and not really caring for it. Even though I’d read reviews saying how awesome it was. I just couldn’t get in to it. Fast forward to 2013 and I still get people going in to shock when I tell them I didn’t play it nor did I like it. As of late, I’ve been thinking about giving it another go. Maybe I’ve grown a little and I can see it for what it is now. I could go and get it on virtual console… there’s also this great retro game store on the way in to Toronto. I know they would have it. I feel like I owe it to myself to try it again.
Any games you couldn’t get in to even though the whole planet love it?
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8 comments | tags: secret of mana, SNES | posted in video games

Okay, so I’m hooked again. I’ve picked up Pokemon X to try and expand my Pokemon collection. I still have Pokemon White and White 2, but I’ve yet to play the sequel. I’ve been playing, evolving, breeding and grinding to try and collect all the Pokemon I can. Not just all of them… but ever evolutionary form and every alternate sex version (some look different based on sex). I know it’s a lost cause. I’ll never complete this task, but still I march on. I currently have over 400 Pokemon in White alone. Once I play White 2, I’ll gather all the ones I can out of there too. Then I’ll transfer my collection over to X and expand it again. Sigh… It’s a sickness and I don’t think there is a cure.
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17 comments | tags: 3DS, pokemon | posted in eveyday life, video games

I’m still playing my Pokemon White game. Trying to catch all that I can between the game and the Pokemon Global Link which allows me to catch even more Pokemon. But then I got thinking… when X and Y come out… will I be able to send my Pokemon over to that game? Will I be able to send over the new ones back to White? Probably not, which kind of sucks since my whole collection is on my White version. Ugh… I hope this isn’t for naught. It’s going to suck if I have to start over again and still not have the option to get rare ones, like freak’n Pikachu. I’m just going to push forward and if I’m lucky it’ll all work out in the end… I hope. I can’t see Nintendo screwing over players of it’s largest franchise.
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Last month I went out and bought a Wii U. I’d been wanting one for a while now and when I noticed the ZombiU bundle, I figured now would be a great time. I ended up getting Super Mario Bros U, ZombieU and NintendoLand, and so far I’m really enjoying my new toy.
I play NintendoLand the most right now. It’s basically a collection of mini games based off of Nintendo series like F-Zero and Pikmin. It’s way more fun then you’d think it might be. It’s a lot of beating your own personal score but there is some adventure games like Metriod and Zelda, plus some great multi-player games like Mario Chase. Mario U is as you’d think it would be and I’m fine with that. I love platforming games and there nothing better then just sitting down and running Mario through some well designed levels.
I play ZombiU the least. I want to play it more but I get stressed out from it. It’s not the games fault, I just don’t play games like this much so it sort of scares me. I get super tense when I see a zombie knowing that if it bites me, then it’s game over and I have to start again. The progress I make is painfully slow as I search out every nook looking for more bullets and avoid dangerous situations. I can only play in short spurts… because I’m a wuss.
Over all, yeah… I really, really like my WiiU. I’m very glad I bought it. I don’t really care about the social network Miiverse it has set up for me to post stuff to the rest of the world. I just play it for the games.
Anyone else out there have a WiiU yet?
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5 comments | tags: Wii U | posted in video games