So any one out here pony up the dollar bills to buy one of the two most current consoles?  I did not.  I have a Wii U and I’m quite happy with it.  I don’t get a lot of time to play so it doesn’t make sense for me to buy a new fancy system.  Plus, the Wii U plays the games that I like to play.  I also love being able to play my games off tv while Wife watches her shows.  That is fantastic in my books.  Plus I want my kids to grow up with Mario, Zelda and the Nintendo series that I grew up with.  If I did have to choose one though, I think I’d buy a PS4.  How about you?

5 Responses to “PS3 or XBONE”

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Honestly,I prefer my PC. Powerful,adaptable,multi-purpose. It can do anything a console can do and more. But,I will admit,the PS4 is looking attractive thanks to the rumors of a new Crash Bandicoot game. Speaking of…Maybe a Coco Bandicoot Christmas pic? Or did you already decide?

  • Zafo Says:

    So far i had all the platforms but with micro$ofts lies ,blunders and failures im not even touching xbone.
    I went thru 3 xboxes 360 while my 60 gig PS3 still works perfectly.
    Besides all of xbone “exclusives” that i care about gonna end on PC so its PS4 for me.
    There is one thing im looking foward too on xbone, just can wait too skype all of my buddies that will get them and yell “XBOX OFF!”

  • JJ Says:

    PS4. Probably…. (Neither, otherwise.) I absolutely refuse to buy a console that requires a device that physically monitors me (and in some rather unnerving ways, I might add). Beyond that, Microsoft’s absolute hubris in there approach to users (prior to the whole uproar a few months ago) also turned me off to the device.

    Like you, I don’t have a lot of time to play, but I also haven’t embraced the newest generation for other reasons. For example, I usually wait for (at least) the second iteration of any device that I want before I buy one (gives the producer time to work out the kinks), even if that means waiting a few years. However, if Dark Souls 2 actually gets a PS4 version, I’m in!

    …seriously beginning to believe that I need an intervention, or something….

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I seem to be in the minority here, but I did get an Xbone. I gotta say that I am impressed with it. I got Dead Rising 3 and Ryse: Son of Rome with it and those games are so dang pretty! Ryse especially, the armor in that game is very detailed! Also, I would like to note that the Kinect can always be turned off with a button press in the settings. It’s not required to play games, watch Netflix, etc. Though the voice commands are pretty cool, so I have mine on. (Though my roommates do mess with me, so there is the downside to that. Zafo: you are mean! lol)

  • RallyJay Says:

    I’m a PS4 owner as well (along with a Wii U and a PC.) I definitely did not like Microsoft’s early approach to this generation, but I respect that they eventually realized their blunder and rolled back all their nefarious plans. So at this point I’d totally buy one, but like Zafo said, they have no exclusives I want that I can’t get elsewhere. But I might reconsider when/if they have some games I want. Everyone is all “but Titanfall!” and not only does that not interest me but I can get it on PC if I ever change my mind.

    Now PS4 on the other hand, is a must have for me because Sony has exclusive games I want to play, along with Playstation Plus which I consider a must-have. It also helped that it’s cheaper and the best place to get third-party titles since the specs are better than the Xbone. The hardest thing about owning one right now is waiting for Infamous: Second Son, which won’t be out until spring.

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