mega man goodness – post 168

Who loves Mega Man?

I do ^_^

So with this post I’ve found a number of links to all things Mega Man. Yay!

First is a clip for the opening of Mega Man 9. It’s all kinds of classic 8 bit goodness and makes me smile every time I watch it. And I love the Chun-Li cameo too. She’s too cute in Mega Man style ^_^

Next are a bunch of clips from Mega Man 9 where the music and sounds where swapped out for human voices.


Yes… I’ve watched them all. ^_^

A music video about not being able to defeat Air Man. It’s in Japanese so here it is also in English.

Finally… some guy has put lyrics to the theme tune of Mega Man 3… AND I CAN”T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

That is all…

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