Merry Sexmas!

Merry Christmas (or what ever it is you’re celebrating this time of year) to everyone!  Who is this character?  Why she’s Elh Melizee from Sola to Robo.  That Fancy anthro DS game I mentioned a while back.  I thought draw up a new character for the season rather then a classic one.  I actually wasn’t sure I’d get this out.  I’ve been sick on an off like crazy the past few months, and if I’m not sick, I’m busy with holiday stuff.  Guh!  But here she is.  Yay!

Now I just have to do a super messy New Years pic.  Any suggestons?
Buy Solatorobo: Sore kara Coda e (Nintendo DSâ„¢)

8 Responses to “Merry Sexmas!”

  • DJSchmitty Says:

    Adventure Time?

  • jimmenyjohn Says:

    Well, you’ve piqued my interest in this game. Too bad about the region lock….

    Anyway, I’m gonna sound like a broken record for these suggestions, but here goes.

    1) Fifi
    2) Tammy
    3) Peg
    4) Midna
    5) Amy Rose

    Hope your having a great holiday!


    • joerandel Says:

      Those are all great suggestions. With Midna though there are so many options. Should she be the imp version and would she be with Link or wolf Link?

      • jimmenyjohn Says:

        Good point. Hmmm… guess I’d have to vote for imp/wolf. If for no other reason than to see how you handle a less anthropomorphized character.

        Also, apparently I can’t read. The link you provided has a warning about DSi games and regional lockout, but that doesn’t apply to Sola to Robo. Now, how to explain my interest in this game to my wife….

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    I’m going again with Peg from ‘Goof Troop’. There can never be enough Peg.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I agree with jimmenyjohn, Midna would be a perfect choice for a super messy pic. I would now like to turn your attention to the following list of reasons you should take on this project. *Ahem*

    #1) I don’t believe you have done a Midna pic yet. Although I have been proven wrong, I am 97% sure you haven’t.

    #2) The Options. You could have just her in imp or adult form; have her with adult link in either imp or adult form; have her with wolf link in either imp or adult form; finally, you could draw her with Zelda in either imp or adult form. Then on top of all that, there is the choice of whether to use Midna’s hair, tentacles, or just a romantic moment. Limitless potential!

    #3) Series potential. If you are thinking about doing another comic, then Midna is your girl. You could do a comic documenting her travels with Link, overcoming her sexual frustration in her imp form with wolf link, and finally giving adult link a just reward at the end. Just an idea….

    #4) As jimmenyjohn has stated, I too would like to see how you handle a not so anthro character.

    #5) Finally, imp Midna would totally suit your style with the way that you draw feet. If you look at screen shots, I do believe Nintendo took a lesson in Joe Randel Art.

    Those are my reasons, the final decision is still yours to make. I am sure whatever you choose will work.

    Thumbs up on the new pic! She is sooo cute!

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