+18 – post 203

It would seem that people are getting up in arms about nudity or “mature” pictures over at Deviant Art.

On one side there are the artists and photographers that post their works with nudity and/or sexual themes and overtones.  On the other are the ones that feel any kind of nudity is pretty much porn and are bent on getting it off DA.  DA has a “mature” setting so that if your picture does have nudity or is controversial is anyway people with the filter on don’t have to see it.  But from what I’m hearing, the Deviant machine is running with out a controller and slapping mature warnings on just about any picture that gets gets reported.  Some people are having their whole galleries slapped with warnings or having a lot of what they have up deleted.

All this just reminds me for a my English class back in high school.  I can’t remember what the main topic was but it was brought up that society bends to the will of the most sensitive.  I remember sitting there thinking what a true statement that was.  And now here I am thinking it again.  The sensitive just want to live their lives with out the fear of seeing something that they don’t want to see.  The other side just wants to live without constraints on expression because someone else doesn’t like it.  Who should win?

It all seems silly and is completely frustrating to both sides.  It’s impossible to go though life with out seeing something that will offend you but cheers to those that stand up and voice their opinion.  But at the same time the sensitive need to be able to realize that not everyone sees the world as they do and that maybe changing the channel, turning off the radio isn’t such a bad idea.  Not to say that the other side can’t do their share too.

It’s a tough call and I doubt anyone will come up with an solution for DA.  Although it’s strange that places like Pixiv and Fur Affinity can have an adult side and a general public side and things seem to work out just fine.  Makes you wonder what they’re doing right.

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