Lost Save

The other day my son asked if he could play my Mario Kart DS.  I said sure, I had no problems with that.  Later he calls me over to show me what he doing in the game.  I instantly noticed that certain drivers where missing.  After a quick investigation I discovered that he had gone and erased all my data for the game. o_O All the karts… gone.  Drivers… gone…  Everything was as if I just took it out of the box.  Sigh… oh well.  It’s not a big deal.  It’s only a game, and I wasn’t mad.  A little sad, but not upset.  So, we’ve begun the task to try and unlock everything… again.  It’s not the first time he’s done this.  He erased my daughters Zelda: Minish Cap save game too.  She was mad about that for sure.  See, he’s only 4 and just starting to understand words.  He knows “yes” and “no” and he knows how to press buttons, but always not the purpose of said button.  Oh, well.  He didn’t mean to and it would ridiculous to punish him for such a trivial thing.

Have you ever lost a game save due to a niece, nephew or sibling?  Or, have you ever deleted one on purpose just so you could find everything all over again?


8 Responses to “Lost Save”

  • ThaMan Says:

    I didn’t lose a save. I lost an entire cartridge.

    My mother made me lend my cousin my copy of the original MarioKart for the SNES over the Summer.

    We come back for Thanksgiving and he tells me he lost it. I didn’t want to accuse him of stealing, but I had my suspicions.

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    PlayStation had a club called PlayStation Underground. Members would get demo discs and exclusive gamer content for joining. In this club, they once sent out a holiday CD that had many cool demos on it.

    One such demo was Viewtiful Joe 2. It was fun to play but, sadly, it erased all of the data on any memory card in the system. All of my PS1 data had been cleaned away…

    …as compensation, they allowed members who lost their data to send in the CD and get a free game (I got Hot Shots Golf Fore!). My brother and I had already been members, so I now have a “data erasing disc” in my collection of game CDs.

    And, yes, a few years ago, I spent all day playing UmJammer Lammy. When I let my cousins play it (after unlocking everything), they erased all of the data somehow (I wasn’t in the room when they played it).

    Eh, it happens.

  • Humbird0 Says:

    I use a flash cart and backup the saved games, so it doesn’t matter.
    It also lets me enable cheat codes for them if they lack confidence and are afraid of dying in the game.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    My brother and I shared a PS2. We also shared 1 memory card. I was playing Dark Cloud, and needed to save. I didn’t have enough space, so I looked at the saved games he had. He hadn’t played Madden Football in a long while so I deleted it and saved Dark Cloud. We got into a pretty big fight about it. After that we owned our own memory cards.

    I have deleted files intentionally. Ocarina of Time is probably the most replayed game I own. A close second is probably Pokemon Blue.

  • Osprey Says:

    I’ve lost save games for my NES Zelda game only because I didn’t know how to save them in the first place.

    And my first Pokemon Yellow had a bad battery so it wasn’t able to save games until I got it replaced.

  • WebWatch Says:

    The worst case of me losing saves was this.

    A horrid roomate. He had a bad case of MD, and he was all fine for most of the year. I say most, because near the end of the year my desktop crashed horribly and he asked he could have the hard drive so he and some other tech geeks could screw around with it.
    I said “Sure, but it is not my fault if you get hurt.” …he did, he cut his finger on the metal and accidentally stuck it in the silica.
    In a fit of manicness, blaming me for ‘poisoning him’, while I was out shopping, he sabotaged every save I had for my PS1/PS2 systems by wiping the cards (which I had saves from over 2 dozen rpg titles). He also went and sabatoged my NEW computer by screwing up the registry, screwing up the bios, and blocking me from doing anything on it by deleting some important system files.
    I knew it was him since he was my only roommate after the previous one was expelled for *cough* illegal pornography and for making threatening gestures with knives. He was the only one who had access to the room… Long story short, he got expelled from his FINAL year of college for willful destruction of personal property.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Holy crap! That’s quite the story! I’m not even sure what to say about all that. After the illegal porn, knives, computer sabotage and everything at least you didn’t get hurt. Sounds all kinds of crazy! @_@

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