
So the other night I was going out to visit some friends when I found my self in a fender bender.  Ugh… It was totally my fault too.  I had just turned on to a one way street looking for the place I was going to, when I noticed a dead possum on the road.  I slowed and started to go around it by going in to my right but didn’t look.  That’s when I clipped the other driver that was coming up on my right side.  I totally didn’t look before I started to veer… I feel so stupid.  I’ve been driving for 12 years and never had an accident until yesterday.

Looks like I’ll be claiming this on insurance.  It’s not a lot of damage (we weren’t going that fast) but there is enough.  My front driver corner is all cracked and her passenger side is pushed in and scratched.  We still have to see if there is any damage we can’t see yet.  We where planing on saving to go to Disney next year, but I think this might put a damper on that.  We’ll see.

I’m still pretty stressed about the whole deal.  No one was hurt thank goodness.  Needless to say but to make any extra money I’ll be looking for high paying freelance and commissions as well.  I’ll put a note out when I can take one is anyone is interested.

So have readers gotten in to a fender bender?  Was it your fault?

4 Responses to “Crash!”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My brother lost two cars to being rear-ended at stoplights. He almost lost a third when he got rear-ended again after he got a new car to replace the second one he lost. He is a very nervous driver these days.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    *knocks on wood* I have only been in one so far. It was late at night and it had been raining. I was driving in town and coming up to a stop light that was green. My car sounded an alarm (gas light I think) and I looked down for just a split second. By the time I had looked up the light was red and a car was tuning into the intersection. I tried to stop, but slid into his rear driver’s wheel. I was going about 30mph. His suburban only had a small dent in the fender while the hood and bumper to my car was bent out of shape. He felt bad that my car was in worse shape than his, so he didn’t file a claim to his insurance and I got off with a traffic violation.

  • JJ Says:

    I’m glad to hear that everyone is alright, too bad about the repair costs. It is amazing how much this type of thing can cost.

    I was in one fender-bender (with Cinos *knocks on wood*) in high school. It was mostly my fault. I was going to pick up a my first computer (which at the time was super awesome with its pentium 166Mhz, and its 28.8Kbps modem) and was driving a little too recklessly to get to the store. Some college kid pulled into my lane for a left turn, and couldn’t turn due to the oncoming traffic. In my distracted state, I rear-ended him (could have stopped in time, but not by much). His car war almost totally undamaged, mine, however, had the front grill smashed in. Given the lack of damage to his car, his portion of the fault, and my state of semi-shock (I had never been in a wreck, let alone responsible for one), he just took my name and number in case there was any unnoticed damage. Needless to say, I didn’t get my computer that day….

    So, here are a couple of questions for you. You said that this was your first wreck (may you have no more), how did it play on your psyche? (Wrecks can wreak havoc on the nerves.) Also, you’ve only been driving for 12 years(?). (does the math) Kids in the U.S. cannot wait to get their licenses (not necessarily a good thing), is the attitude different in Canada, or did you just have no need until later (ignore me, if I pry)?

    Anyway, I hope that this ends up being less of a burden on you than it looks like now. Best of luck.

  • Andreas Says:

    I’m glad to hear you’re all physically all right! I’m soon to take my driver’s license, and the risks and dangers involved in driving actually scares me a lot.

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