The Oscars

Who watches The Oscars?  I know some people get right in to it.  Throw a big party and enter in bets to see who wins.  I take a passing interest in it.  Not enough to watch.  I’m happy to just hear about the results the next day.  Probably because I don’t watch a lot of movies and even fewer of the nominated movies (I did watch Moneyball though).  Yet, here I am, sitting on the couch doing some freelance work while it’s on.  It’s okay I guess.  It fills the room with noise while I work.

Do you watch the Oscars?

3 Responses to “The Oscars”

  • Mike Says:

    eh, not really. i usually watch a couple of the awards, but i dont really care that much. i already know which movies are good and which ones arent. i dont need a panel of judges to tell me. and usually i get disappointed and my favorites lose =(

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Yeah, I don’t really get into them either. My roommates however are obsessed with them. I was in the same room when they were watching them and I glanced at some of the awards. I had never even heard of a lot of these movies that were winning!

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Watch the Oscars? When ‘The Walking Dead’ was on? Puh-leeeeze!

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