All Nighter

I’m so god damn tired.  I’ve been busting my ass on a freelance job to make some extra money for the deductible that I have to pay since my accident.  After some quick revisions I think it’s okay now, and it’s just waiting for approval.  I’ve been staying up late to get it done.  Usually 1am for the past few days.  Even though I’ve been up far later then I should be, I refuse to pull an all nighter.  I made that decision when I was in college.  A lot of my friends would stay up all night to get projects done.  I never did and I still got all my work done and graduated with honours.  I may have missed out on some fun late night hijinks, but I didn’t think it was worth it to be a wreck the next day.  I prefer to get a little sleep.  I know there where some students that stayed up for 2 or 3 days straight.  They could barely say their name by the time they had to hand in the project.  No sir… not for me.

Have you pulled an all nighter to get work done?

4 Responses to “All Nighter”

  • Mike Says:

    the latest i’ve ever stayed up was till 3:15 am, and that was for a physics final that i was unprepared for. i did pass it, however, i plan on never doing that again. it was not fun. the only all nighter i will ever pull again, will be when i watch all the lord of the rings movies in a single day.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Hmm, back when I was a Day Walker I would pull all nighters constantly. There were 2 programs on Cartoon Network called Adult Swim and Toonami: Midnight Run that would have different anime’s and cartoons that weren’t shown during the day. I would always try to stay up and watch those, despite my parents threatening me with bodily harm. lol

    Oh and I say ‘Day Walker’ because I work nights now, so I’m up all night anyways! 🙂

  • Andreas Says:

    No, I’m with you – sleep is important. I spent almost ten years as a university student but for me sleep was holy, even the night before an exam. Or rather, *especially* the night before an exam.

    As you say, it’s no fun to be a wreck the next day, and it can take several days to turn the clock right again.

  • JJ Says:

    I have pulled the occasional all-nighter, but rarely and only when absolutely necessary (usually when I had a paper, never before an exam). However, doing so always left me totally incapable of doing anything productive after I finished the project. 2 to 3 days without sleep would be impossible for me. I’m sure I’d fall asleep at some inconvenient/dangerous moment. I’ve always been a bit of an early-to-bed/early-to-rise type, and am amazed at my friends who consistently stay up until early/mid morning.

    While I don’t usually stay up for work/school purposes, I do stay up for a lively social gathering. I feel the effects quite a bit more than I did when I was younger, but still find it a worthwhile tradeoff. In fact, I wouldn’t have married my wife, if I hadn’t stayed up very, very late on the night that we met.

    Not sure if you have time, but I hear that a quick catnap can help quite a bit when you don’t get a full night’s sleep. Also, thank you for the pleasant surge of nostalgia. I have vivid memories of this song on the radio as a child.

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