Pretend Lottery

Let’s play pretend for a moment and imagine that you just won the lottery.  Holy crap!!!  You’re a millionaire!!!  16 million dollars for those looking for a more exact amount.  What are some of the things that you might do?  I know first off we would pay off all our debt.  Next, we would give amounts of money to family or pay for things that they really need.  Like a new car or pay off a mortgage.  After that we would renovate the house and update all the things we’ve been wanting to.  I’m sure after that we’d buy ourselves things that we’ve been wanting and probably go on a vacation or two.  Finally, we would save a bunch for later and make some donations to special causes that we would like to support.  I think that would just about cover it.  Maybe I’d start up my own game studio too.

Do you know anyone that’s won a large amount in a lottery?  I know some that have won smaller amounts.  Like $10,000 or so.  The money goes fast regardless how much though if you’re not watching it.  I’d be afraid that we’d blow through it so I’d make sure we keep a close eye on it.  I’d want to make sure that there is lots to live off of when I’m old and can’t draw anymore.

3 Responses to “Pretend Lottery”

  • JJ Says:

    Hmmm… I guess I’d do the following:
    -Finish my degree
    -Donate to charity
    -Buy some land in the Pacific NW (I love the Olympic Mountains. So, somewhere around Seattle, maybe. Close enough for a nice drive, but far enough out to not kill someone on the property tax.)
    -Design/build (by hand, with help) a modest house
    -Put enough into an account for retirement

    Though, as you said, one needs to keep track of the spending and have a grasp of how much they actually have. I’m always amazed by the stories of people who win millions, and then blow it because they have no idea how to handle money.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    If I won the lottery:

    1. Don’t buy a bunch of stupid stuff (Yachts, sports cars, bling, 50 room mansions, etc.) Never had that stuff, wouldn’t need them after I’m rich. Just a decent home and an easily maintained, fuel efficient car.
    2. Invest it wisely so money keeps coming in.
    3. Open a business. I’d always wanted to open an independent theater in my hometown with a small bar attached. We’d show movies and people can drink and talk cinema afterwards.
    4. Definitely travel. Just drive around and go to places that interest me.
    5. Help my family and friends.
    6. Have lots of “me” time.
    It is sad, however, that suddenly having a lot of money can change everything. I’ve heard of lotteries ending friendships and marriages, and attracting unwanted criminal attention. Anyone winning one should realize what they’re getting themselves into.

  • Johnathan Says:

    1. buy a few houses for family and close friends (they could use them more then i can)
    2. fix my car up get the dents out so to speak
    3. invest it
    4. donate to charities i like
    5. build a modest Zombie defense Compound.
    6. set up college funds for my nieces and nephews and god children
    7. open a business or two
    8. with any left over give to my family they always need help with something

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