Extra Classes

If you could take some extra classes to learn what ever you wanted, what would it be?  I’m torn between two things.  One would be photography.  I’ve always loved to take pictures, and if I could learn how to set up and take better photos… well, that would be awesome.  Although, I’m sure if I just sprung for a new, fancy camera, I could just teach myself to take good photos with out paying school fees.

The other thing I’d love to learn about and study is how people draw.  Specifically, how people that can’t/don’t draw, draw.  I was watching one of the programmers try do draw something the other day I noticed that he wasn’t putting any thought in to the line he was putting down.  Nor was he thinking about where the line was going to be.  He also would but down details that he knew he would need for the drawing, but not put much thought in to where they where in relation to his work.  I found this fascinating and would love to study that more.  That mixed in with the development of children and how they learn to draw.  My prof said that children all go through a similar pattern of shapes and symbols when they learn how to draw.  Heck, I don’t even know if you can go and learn or study that sort of thing anywhere, but I would love it.

Any ideas on what you’d want to learn?

4 Responses to “Extra Classes”

  • Mike Says:

    if i were to learn something it would have to be how to build a time machine so that i could go back and get the sleep that i lost taking another class. i’m already over my head lol. i cant wait till summer so i can relax a bit, and maybe start to become someone who isnt bad at drawing.

  • Humbird0 Says:

    I still kind of remember how I used to draw befoer I took figure drawing classes a decade ago.
    I basically drew the outline first, then the eyes and face, then the rest.

    As for me, I’d want to study a more standard programming language. I’ve used Flash a lot, but the things I make don’t always work as fast as a “real” program might.
    Besides, it’d be fun to try making stuff for a handheld device. I’ve also been curious about making a 3D game for awhile. But I’d want to use something that would run on everything like Flash does.

  • JJ Says:

    I’m pretty sure that you can study that sort of thing, but it probably is more common at the graduate level or at more art focused schools. My wife majored in child development, and they studied, though not in depth, children’s art and its implications. Also, I’d think that art schools would study this sort of thing both for historical reasons (some famous artists must have been self taught, and had unorthodox techniques) and for correcting/teaching students when they are learning.

    As far as what else I would study, hm…. I guess I’d take some advanced guitar lessons. I think I’ve reached a point at which improvement via self-directed study would take more time than I have. I’m sure a teacher would help me further my moderate skill. Also, I think I’d take some carpentry, upholstering, and metal-working classes. I like designing furniture, and would love to have the practical skill to actually make one of my designs.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I would take more art lessons and learn more culinary skills. When I’m not drawing, I love preparing, cooking and eating food.

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