Birthday! – post 237

Today is my daughters 5th birthday.  Yay!  So today I only worked in the morning so that I could join my family at Boston Pizza for a birthday lunch.  Normally I don’t care for BP but today I enjoyed it very much.  After that we all went pumpkin picking like we do every year at a local farm.  The last few birthdays the farms have had corn mazes for people to run though.  Both my daughter and I love mazes.  I think we got lost for about 40 min. ^_^

Then we went home and ate Boston Pizza lefter overs for supper and had home made strawberry cake for dessert and presents (mostly my little pony stuff).  It was a great birthday and we had lots of fun.

Tomorrow is her party with all her friends and it’s being held at a local horse ranch so it should be fun.  Horse rides and what not.  She’s very excited.

So yeah… Today was filled with birthday goodness.  Yay for being 5!  ^_^

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