Porn in the Ceiling

Did I ever tell you about the time I found a porn DVD in my ceiling?  It’s true.  Well, my brother-in-law found it actually.  He was helping run some phone cable and had to move some of the ceiling tiles in the laundry room.  He poked his head up there and… Ta-Da!  Forgotten porn.  Misty Rain’s World Wide Sex 6: Slammin in Slovakia to be exact.  Of course I had checked to it out.  My rating of it is… meh, I’ve seen better.  My guess is that some previous husband was stashing it away from the wife.  Kinda sad really.  I wonder if he felt insecure about having it, or thought his wife would flip her lid on him so he had to hide it.  My wife, on the other had has no problems with it and thought it was hilarious.  I wonder if that was his only one.  I’ve never found any others.  Who knows whats hidden in the walls of some homes.  There could be a whole porn trove waiting to be found in yours.

I think I’ll put it back where I found it so that others down the road can find it later too.  I have no need for it, there’s more then enough porn on the internet to keep my interests.  Sorry Misty… back in the ceiling for you to be found again in some far off future.

7 Responses to “Porn in the Ceiling”

  • Jive Guru Says:

    That’s hilarious!

    Reminds me of the time when my friend and I were out walking along an old dirt path and we discovered an old VHS tape called “Dirty Debutantes” so we went home and stuck it in his VCR and watched it!

    It was my first real porno movie I ever saw, and even back then it was truly an awful one.

    We had the bright idea to play a joke on another friend by putting it in him mailbox anonymously as we walked by his house later.

    Years later, I was over at the second friend’s house and we were bored and started going through a box of movies to pick out an obscure one to watch.

    We opened the “My Little Pony: The Movie” case and out pops Dirty Debutantes! I laughed and told him the story. As near as I can figure his dad must have intercepted the mail and hid the tape in a place where no one would think of looking.

    Good times. Good times.

    • JJ Says:

      There is something dubious about a father hiding porn in a My Little Pony case. Seems like the only person who would find it would be young or a Brony (but I think that is a recent thing).

      Funny story, though.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      But what happens if someone wants to watch My Little Pony? What… what happened to the Pony tape? I don’t know if you have any sisters, but I can only imagine the crap that would have went down if she put that tape in expecting to see Pinky Pie only to get Creamy Pie instead.

      • Jive Guru Says:

        Haha, well at this point everyone involved would have been about 16 -17 years old at that point so I don’t think under normal circumstances anyone’d be looking for that movie, back then.

        I wonder where the tape is now? XD

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Porn stashes will probably be a thing of the past thanks to the internet. Really, who needs to buy or rent smut when there is practically anything you want for free online?
    But yeah, finding a place to hide a precious copy of Penthouse or video tape from my mom was an ordeal. It seemed there was nowhere she wouldn’t look or pry.

  • JJ Says:

    I have yet to find anything interesting that a previous tenant has left behind, but that is mostly due to renting every place that I have lived in since moving out of my mom’s. Though, I do remember finding a stash of pot seeds in an employer’s sewing machine (they were in the bobbin compartment). Not sure why he had them, but they were well beyond the point of germination.

    @JMH — I think there will aways be a need for a porn stash. I still, sorta, keep one. Though, it is very different from the one I had as a teen. I use my computer at work, and so do not keep any porn on it, nor do I search for/watch it with my main browser. So, I keep a small usb drive with a browser and a small stash for our private enjoyment, and avoid the possibility of accidentally flashing something naughty to those with whom I work. This is not really hiding it from prying eyes so much as covering my ass at work (pretty sure that Joe’s art would not go over too well with the boss lady). Plus, half of the fun of having a porn stash was the possibility of being caught. Well, I thought so, at least.

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