E3 Announcements

E3 might not be over just yet, but most of the big things have been announced through the main three conferences from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo.  Did you get what you’re wishing for?  I think most people where waiting to see what Nintendo is bringing to the table with the Wii U.  I have to say that I’m interested, but still need more info on date, price and games.

They announced New Super Mario Bros. U which is very cool and sure to be lots of fun, but my favorite game announcement was Pikmin 3.  I loved Pikmin 2 on GameCube so I’m super jazzed about this new one.  They showed lots of third party titles like Aliens, Batman Arkham City, Assassins Creed III, Mass Effect 3, Ninja Gaiden 3 and such.  You know, the games the other two are getting but the Wii misses out on, so it’s nice to see them get ported over.  What I am nervous about is that the Wii U gets some sort of watered down or “special” version of those titles so you still don’t feel like you’re getting what others are.  It’ll also come with NetFlix, Hulu, Amazon and YouTube and it’ll also have this new Miiverse that will serve as some sort of meeting place/social network for your Mii and the games you’ll play.

That is all very cool, but what impressed me the most was seeing two games that won’t be on any Nintendo system.  Watch Dogs and The Last of Us.

I’ve never played games like this before.  I’m not even sure you could call them games at this point, more like interactive movies with some decision making in between story points.  Anyway, they look fantastic and they really make me think that I should invest in a PS3.  Uncharted is another series that I would want to dive into.  Don’t get me wrong.  I still love my Nintendo and they games they provide, but this type of “game” is starting to speak to me more and more.

Nintendo is also doing a mini 3DS conference tomorrow.  I wonder what they’ll show there.

4 Responses to “E3 Announcements”

  • Mike Says:

    i do believe that watch dogs will also be on xbox 360 or if it comes out farther into the future, whatever microsoft comes up with as the next gen version of xbox. i hope it does anyway, cause i want to play it and i dont want to buy a ps3 if all i’m gonna use it for is that and the last of us.

  • JJ Says:

    Actually, both of those look very much like games to me. Their gameplay (from the vids, at least) reminds me somewhat of Splinter Cell type games. Guess that’s not surprising, considering Ubisoft’s involvement in Watch Dogs.

    The game I’ve been looking forward to the most is The Last Guardian. But who knows when that is coming (if ever)?

    I’m interested in seeing what the Wii U is capable of doing, and agree that it’ll be disappointing if those ports are somehow cut for content or graphics in order to work. I wonder in Nintendo somehow feels that they will need to bring in those third party titles to remain viable as a console producer.

    Oh, and your mention of interactive movies with decisions reminded me of the old arcade version of Dragon’s Lair. If you’ve never played it, it’s worth checking out. If for no other reason that Princess Daphne at the end.

  • Jive Guru Says:

    Well, ‘The Last of Us’ looks like it plays exactly like Uncharted which shouldn’t surprise anyone because it’s by the same company of course and I will be buying it day 1 because…. Naughty Dog is Freaking Awesome! XD

    And yeah, Watch Dogs looks very interesting, I’ll be keeping my eye on that one for sure.

    • theguymadeofpaper Says:

      I’m also excited about Naughty dogs the last of us, i enjoyed there games since crash bandicoot, but i was abit surprised about how it used the F word many times, and my brother was going to buy my 10-year-old son this game, i figured it be a teen rating, hehe.

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