Junk Swap

Lets imagine that tomorrow you’ll wake up as the opposite sex you are today.  Not just a junk swap though, a full on switch-a-roo.  You are now the girl/boy version of the “regular” you.  What would you do?  Would hide up in your house “exploring”?  Maybe you’d go out and try to pick up some one for a date?  Would you behave the way you wished the opposite sex would act towards you?  What sort of issues or stumbling blocks do you think you’d discover being the opposite sex?  I would probably shut myself up for the week.  I couldn’t see myself going and trying out opposite me on the town.

So how long are you like this?  Lets say a week.  A day is too short to really understand life in different shoes, so I think a week would be a fine time before you wished you’d be back with your old body… maybe. ^_^

4 Responses to “Junk Swap”

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Well,I’d first of all apply for more jobs with a slightly tweaked resume. Just to test a theory. Otherwise,no change. Notify my friends of the sudden change,of course,just so they know who the new voice is on Skype (no friends in Toronto,sadly. They’re all in New Brunswick!) and just…Be me. I honestly believe that,in the long run,if someone’s gender was 100% changed by Forces Unknown,after an obvious adjusting period of a variable length,depending on person to person,they would be the same person. No amount of hormone and biology changes can change,fundamentaly,who you are.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    A week as the opposite gender? I’d probably shut myself in so as to avoid confusion/awkward encounters with people I know – not that I get out much in the first place. Sure, the physical changes might prove to be ‘fun’ – if it’s temporary, I’d probably go about taking photos or the like to ‘remember’ myself by.

    If it was a permanent change, I’m sure I’d be able to get used to the physical differences sooner or later, though the psychological side of things would throw me for a loop, going from the mind of a straight guy to… what exactly? It’s only my body that would’ve changed, but I’d still have the same guy mentality behind the wheel.

    Plus, trying to change your passport/driver’s license and other such legal documents is going to be hell to try and explain what happened…

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I’d immediately be thinking I’ve been teleported into a bad 80s comedy. All the usual wacky hijinks will happen, like I’ll have an important interview that week and they’ll wonder why a woman named John showed up. There will be the awkwardness of peeing sitting down. Then there is the possibility I’ll be (oh God!) menstruating that week.
    The upside is I could join a gym and shower with other women. Who knows, maybe some girl/girl stuff could happen.

  • JJ Says:

    In all honesty, I’d make a very unattractive girl. Given this, I think I’d just hole up in my room until it passed, exploring the wonders of the female sexual phenomena. Now, if I got transformed into an attractive female, I’d probably go out and experience as much as I could (read that as liberally as you want). We only live once, and we might as well experience everything that we can.

    Oh, and I would totally mess with my friends. Not mess around with them, that’d be too awkward. I’d mess with their heads (in a totally good natured way, of course).

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