mama hater – post 262

Oh PETA… why do you hate Mama so…?

Some of you might have heard that this Thanksgiving (at least for Americans cuze we Canadians had our turkey day over a month ago) the PETA is getting all kinds of press with their parody flash game Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals. In it you get to pluck a turkey, remove the entrails, cut off the head, make stuffing and cram it in the bird and make gravy.  Mmmm… mmmm… tasty.  The game is done pretty well in all honesty with unlockables like turkey clips, turkey facts,  wallpapers and a secret Veggan recipie if you don’t do the first turkey challenges.  If you play really well you can get the rank “Meaner then Mama!”.  It’s a lot of bloody fun ^_^

I know this is parody, but what I don’t care for is how PETA puts Majesco on some of the things in game.  Mejesco isn’t killing animals… they make games.  I’m sure that the people over at the PETA would argue that Cooking Mama supports and promotes the slughter of animals to kids but come on now…  let’s be realistic.  Majesco even issued a statement about the Mama slaughter game from Mama herself.

“I would never put rat in my Ratatouille,” said a feisty Mama while beating some eggs. “Like any accomplished cook, I create my recipes to appeal to a broad range of tastes and preferences. My only goal is to ensure you leave the table well fed.”

But I’m sure the PETA won’t be happy unless Majesco releases Cooking Mama: Veggan Delights.  I know I get my meat from free run, organic farms when I can.


2 Responses to “mama hater – post 262”

  • Sage86 Says:

    Know what PETA means? People Eating Tasty Animals. I love meat… cooking and eating. I remember a few years back in Boulder Colorado, some animal activists broke into an animal shelter (i think it was a shelter) they open all the cages to let the animals free then they set the building on fire… But the dumb asses for got one thing… dogs can’t open doors and guess what? All the dogs burned to death… I hate PETA almost as cranberry in a can! Looking forward to a stuffed turkey with stuffing and gravy and pumpkin pie! And weeks of left overs!

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Oh PETA. Trying to make me feel guilty again. I’ll have my guilt with some gravy, garlic mashed potatoes and a glass of merlot. Honestly, if Mother Nature didn’t want us eating animals, she shouldn’t have made them delicious.

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