Worst Movie Ever!

What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?  It can be bad for any number of reasons.  Bad acting, bad story, bad camera work you name it.  But the general feeling is that the movie is just painful to watch.  Where you able to make it through the whole thing?

The two movies that come to my mind are About Schmidt and Billy Madison.  My wife rented a bunch of movies one night and About Schmidt was in the stack.  We remembered seeing commercials for it a long time ago and thought that it looked pretty good.  We where wrong.  The movie was so painful we couldn’t wait for it to end.  We kept waiting for things happen… but it just got worse.  But we weren’t going to abandon it, we believe on seeing movies through to the end no matter how bad.  Or maybe we just haven’t seen one that bad yet.

Billy Madison was so bad that it holds a special place in our relationship.  It was the first movie we saw together and we saw it with another couple.  The other couple thought it was great.  We did not.  The two of us agreed that it was possibly the stupidest movie we had ever seen.  It’s not that I don’t like Adam Sandler.  I’ve enjoyed other movies he’s done over the years.  But I just couldn’t get behind this.  Ugh… so stupid.  I don’t even remember much about it at this point.  I just know we both walked out of the theater, glad that it was over.

How about you?  What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?  Or are  you one of those people who watch bad movies on purpose?

Oh, and Batman Forever was crap, Star Wars Ep I is still really hard to watch and from what I gathered, Master of Disguise is eye gougingly horrible.  It was playing when I used to be a theater projectionist.

13 Responses to “Worst Movie Ever!”

  • axlegear83@ Says:

    I think the worst movie I’ve seen recently is probably The Watch…everything that was entertaining about it was pretty much shown in its entirety in all of the trailers.

    Then again, I’ve been told my taste in movies are kinda strange…one of my all-time favorite movies is Phantom of the Paradise with Paul Williams and Jessica Harper.

  • Jive Guru Says:

    You didn’t like About Schmidt? Geez, okay then. Tough crowd.

    Off the top of my head, some bad movies that I’ve seen:

    MR. POPPER’s PENQUINS – Friend’s wanted to watch it. I knew it was going to be dumb just from the trailer. Two dumb plots that don’t mesh together at all, and unfunny to boot.

    MADAGASCAR – I hate all the characters in these movies. I was about half way through the first one and I turned to my friend and said “I don’t care about any of these guys!” and he agreed with me. Figures they have made several sequels I’ve not bothered watching.

    WAKING LIFE – I was forced to watch this pretentious snorefest masquerading as art when it first came out… god. that movie has it’s head so far up it’s own rectum.

  • Shadowmutt Says:

    Normally I’d tend to agree, but in the case of “About Schmidt” I beg to differ. You see, there’s a lot of local appeal this film has for me, since it was filmed in spots I am quite familiar with. Not to give away my exact address, I lived within a block radius of the house they used for filming scenes of Warren Schmidt’s house(lots of nice houses in the neighborhood mostly for professors who work at the nearby University of Nebraska in Omaha), the Woodman Towers, as well as shopping at the very supermarket on Blondo Street shown during that shoplifting scene (Alexander Payne is from Omaha, btw). So despite the story’s pace, it kind of has a local appeal for me.

    I suppose as the saying goes, “I guess you had to be there”.

  • Mike Says:

    well, i think that the worst movie that i actually consider a movie that i’ve ever seen, is The Black Cauldron. I love the movie, but only because i love making fun of it.

    alot of people disagree with me, but all my friends know what im talking about cause i’ve watched it with all of them and pointed everything out. there are more plot holes in it than words in the script. not that they dont talk alot, because trust me, they do. but none of the dialog explains anything in the story.

    the movies i would consider worse, if i actually considered them to be movies, are Garbage Pail Kids and James and the Giant Peach. i’ve never seen GPK but i’ve watched reviews of it and know for a fact that it cannot actually be considered a movie. and JatGP was just horrible all around. it isnt even entertaining enough to make fun of.

  • carnell2008 Says:

    batman forever was indeed a load.

  • -MMM- Says:

    For me, has to be that excruciatingly bad Thunderbirds remake from a few years back. The only reason I didn’t march out to the lobby and demand my money back was I felt sorry for the theatre personnel, as they HAD to show the turkey. And when I got outside, I noticed that nary a trailer hitch within a mile’s radius had even a single SCRAP of chrome left; the movie had sucked THAT HARD. I mean, how the hell do you get a bad performance out of BEN KINGSLEY, for crying out loud? 🙂

  • SSJSyran Says:

    the worst movies I’ve seen have got to be any of the video game disasters by Uwe Boll that man can kill any awesome series by making a movie of it

  • John M Hanna Says:

    One of my favorite shows of all time, ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’, was about a man and his two robot pals making fun of bad movies. They showed some pretty awful ones over the course of the series, but one film has stood out as the worst. That was ‘Manos: The Hands Of Fate’. The basic plot is about a family who are on vacation and run into a devil worshiping cult. Sounds like a good idea, but the movie is so bad that the only way to watch it is the MST3K version. Otherwise it is an excruciatingly dull and plodding movie to sit through.

    Other extremely terrible movies MST3K covered were ‘Monster A Go-Go’, ‘The Creeping Terror’, ‘The Wild ,Wild World Of Batwoman’, ‘Attack Of The The Eye Creatures’, ‘Horror At Party Beach’ and many others.

    • John M Hanna Says:

      Oh, I don’t know if this counts as a movie, but ‘The Star Wars Holiday Special’. It was a TV special from 1978 that tried to combine Star Wars with the worst of 1970s variety show campiness. The result was one of the worst 2 hours of primetime programming in history. George Lucas to this day refuses to talk about it or give it a DVD release. Its on Youtube if you want to attempt to watch it.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I have seen a lot of movies, and there are only two that I have walked out of the theater on. The first was Napoleon Dynamite and the other was Anchorman. Which is weird because I liked Billy Madison…

    Oh, another movie that is pretty bad is Willow. I like fantasy movies and such, but this one sits firmly at the bottom of the pile.

  • RallyJay Says:

    I’m a bit surprised to hear Billy Madison called one of the worst movies of all time. I don’t think it’s nearly as good as most Sandler fans say it is, but then I’ve seen far worse.

    My nominee is 2006’s Employee of the Month. Just read this synopsis and see if it doesn’t make you cringe:

    “When a pair of ultra-competitive clerks at a discount super store discovers that a beautiful, newly-transferred cashier has a reputation for only dating employees who have won the coveted Employee of the Month award, their desperate efforts to earn the title and get the girl lead to a hilarious war of one-upmanship in this winner-takes-all comedy starring Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson, and Dax Shepard.”

  • CursedFerret Says:

    I actually show bad movies on LiveStream every Friday night. So far, the worse of the worse that we have watched has probably been CutThroat Island and Last AirBender but I might have blocked memory of others.

    If you like, its http://www.livestream.com/BadMovieFriday

    Normally play two or three films

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