What Scares You?

Since we’re getting close to Halloween lets talk about what scares us.  Don’t hold back.  It can be something very serious or something totally absurd.

For me, I’m totally afraid of spiders.  It started when I was little and I saw a zoomed in photo of a spider head.  I screamed and threw the magazine and was terrified of them ever since (I’m getting better though).  I’m afraid of confrontations and I usually try to avoid them when ever possible.

Larger fears I have are, I’m afraid of losing my family to any sort of accident.  I watched my Dad as he went through the loss of his girlfriend at the time.  It was very rough on him.  I’m also very terrified to die.  I’ll sometimes keep myself awake at night worrying and thinking about my last moments and when they might be.

Crazy fears are… I’m afraid of waking up one day to realize something it different.  Could be something like, someone doesn’t exist and never did or my job is something different or I don’t have any kids so something like that.  The kicker is, I’m the only one that knows that something is different.  I know, I know… it’s crazy and very twilight zone.  Also, thanks to The Walking Dead, I’m afraid of zombie outbreaks.  I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t last long so it’s not very comforting to think I’m could be devoured by the undead.  *shudder*

What scares you?

5 Responses to “What Scares You?”

  • JJ Says:

    Not scared of too much. Spiders used to scare me, but now they just creep me the f*#) out. As a kid, I was scared stiff of a nuclear attack (thank you cold war films). In my adulthood, I’ve pretty much lost most of my fears. I even have a stoic view on death–can’t do much about it, so no sense in worrying. Now, that doesn’t mean that one oughtn’t to take care toward health and avoid unnecessary or stupid risks, but I just can’t control what others do, so not much sense it dwelling on it. You might want to check out the writings of Epictetus or Epicurus on death, pretty good stuff. I do, in some sense, fear losing a loved one, but again it is not something that I have much control over, so don’t worry all that much about it.

    I guess my biggest fears are about becoming a certain type of person. Not that I may have different beliefs or hold different positions one day, but that I may fall prey to some rather unsavory/undesirable personality traits that run in my family. I’d rather not go loony, but I think I’m past the age when that starts to show. Then again, maybe I won’t mind so much, since I won’t be rational anyway.

    Oh, and I recognize that the zombie apocalypse would suck balls, but I worry much more about the robot apocalypse. Once machines start thinking for themselves and recognize how inefficient and irrational most people are, the only reasonable thing to do is to wipe us out. (Note: tongue firmly in cheek on this last part.)

  • Osprey Says:

    Windows 8 scares me. I’m avoiding it like the Plague it is.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    When I was a kid, I had to have a series of blood tests done. The hospital stuck one needle in me after another. The feeling of metal moving under my skin and the sight of my own blood has left a marked fear in me.
    And spiders.

  • Mike Says:

    i am afraid of bees, wasps, hornets, and basically anything else that flies and has a stinger attached to it. it all stems from when i was a kid, walking to the car after soccer practice. i saw an apple on the ground and decided i would kick it. unfortunately, there were yellow jackets eating the inside of the apple. a lot of yellow jackets. i have never run faster in my entire life.

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    Honestly, I don’t like sharing my fears out there. I have a bit of a paranoia in which, upon sharing said fears, others will use that against me. So, in reply to your topic, I guess that, itself, is a fear. Not a phobia, of course, but just something I wonder about.

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