*Spoiler Alert*

Have you ever had the ending of a movie or a show ruined for you?  I’m sure we all have at some point.  It sucks, and once things have been said, it’s too late.  The words are out there and you wished that the other person could just have just kept their mouth shut.  Some even have the attitude that it’s your fault you didn’t watch it when everyone else did.

A buddy of mine at work hates that he has to avoid the internet until he’s downloaded and watched a show because he doesn’t have a TV.  He’s had countless things ruined for him regardless of where he goes.  Facebook is the worse, but he’s even had shows spoiled on art forums.  Just out of the blue someone will blurt out “and can you believe when the truck blew up the factory and killed everyone?”  Yeah, then he’s pretty ticked the next day.

If a show or movie has some time behind it, then I think you’re pretty safe to talk about it.  If it’s a new, try to be a little respectful to those that might not have seen it yet.  I hope that none of you have been that person that ruins it for others. ^_^

3 Responses to “*Spoiler Alert*”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Hollywood blows the endings to movies in trailers all the time. I’ve seen trailers that show who the murderer was, which of the main characters die, reveal plot twists. Hell, I’ve seen trailers that show the very last scene in the film. Its like they’re afraid no one will come to the theater unless they know exactly what will happen.
    On the other hand, there are movies that you can pretty much predict everything thats going to happen. Choose any movie made for the SyFy channel for example. The plots all the same. All they do is change the titles and the names of the characters.

  • phil Says:

    When broadcast tv went from “analog” to “digital” I choose not to. I don’t watch television anymore.
    Sure, I have access to tv through a portable tv and a usb thing for my computer, but all-in-all I have watched about 6 hours of tv in the last year.
    I buy and watch movies and television series shows on DVD. And yes, it is a lot of trouble to avoid friends and family blowing the plot on me. It takes an extra effort on MY part… it’s not their decision for me to stop watching through broadcast (or download). Most of the time other people who know you are “behind” on a show will keep the really good stuff to themselves, or at least ask before starting-in on a show. Strangers are the worst about blathering what they know like it’s a test of their attention span or higher memory function.
    Al-in-all, the choice is mine and for the most part it has been a good choice. The little bit of aggravation from spoilers is more than offset by the release from the tyranny of commercials and filler junk. Not the least including “news” programs and nonsense weather broadcasts.

  • JJ Says:

    Not sure why, but I don’t usually care if a story is spoiled for me. In some cases it makes a big difference (e.g. Ender’s Game), but often the progression of how the story gets to the hook is more important to me than the hook itself. That said, I recognize that many people do care and always make sure to provide a spoiler warning when talking to people, even about really old stories.

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