Home Alone

My whole family is gone for 3 whole days!  I can do what ever I want!  WOOO!!!!111!!one  Chances are though, I’ll just draw.  I don’t do anything crazy or throw wild parties when I get the house.  I draw or play games because that’s what makes me happy. ^_^  When you get time to yourself, what is it that you do?

8 Responses to “Home Alone”

  • Dinnsdale Says:

    Well…. Draw and type, I spend a lot of time by my self. I’m supposed to get stuff done but I’d rather not care about the important stuff. It will still be there tomorrow, well maybe a little more burned up but still there. When you spend all day fixing things for people you tend to look at your own stuff and just not care no matter how much time you have.

    • phil Says:

      I was going to reply with this exact posting.
      Mechanics all seem to get to this point at some time.
      Websurf, bicycle and read. Mostly not so much reading anymore. Eyes are getting old.

  • JJ Says:

    At the moment, my wife and I are trying to make sure that I have a lot of time to myself and that she keeps busy. But this is to ensure that I have time to study uninterrupted. So, I read, read some more, and then there’s even more reading on top of that. I occasionally write some stuff to make sure that I can reasonably explain the stuff that I’m studying, but it’s mostly reading. Other than that, I play a game every once in a while, check your blog, and do general housework. I can’t wait for mid-January to get here….

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Wow, what are you studying?

      • JJ Says:

        Well… among the topics that I am studying are semantic vs. logical paradoxes, quantifying into modal contexts, theories of meaning, theories of reference, theories of truth, natural language predicates, speech acts, and the analytic/synthetic distinction. All that probably sounds like a snoozefest, but it’s what I do.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    When I’m alone, and its late at night, and no one is watching, I get on the internet, and I…

    …watch amusing commercials from the 50s and 60s.

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