Left Over Magic

A few years ago I sold all my Magic the Gathering cards.  I used to play back in high school, but I decided that I no longer needed them so I took them down to the local comic shop.  They gave me $20 for the whole collection.  I’m sure I got hosed, but I didn’t care.  It was now their job to try and sell them.  The other day I was going through boxes and I found a binder with some cards that where left behind.  The cards I owned where old ones. Not old enough to be worth anything.  Not that I’m aware of anyway.  I never did follow what was valued and what wasn’t.

I do know that the Black Lotus was the most valued card and that one just sold for a $27,000.  I doubt this one is that high.

A lot of my cards were given to me in the beginning.  People would just give me their old doubles and I would make decks with those.

I remember wondering if I might be able to draw or paint some of the illustrations for the cards.  My skills were not up to the task though, so it was a dream that got left behind.

One reason I dropped Magic was the arguments.  I got really tired of the yelling about the order of things and what cards could or couldn’t be used.  Ugh, it really did kill a game.

Guys from work used to play at lunch, I decided to play a round when I still had my cards but I couldn’t get in to it.  My cards were too old and couldn’t compete with newer ones and I wasn’t willing to sink more money in to trying to get back in to something I didn’t really like anymore.

This year on Free Comic Book Day, I won a door prize at a the local comic shop and I got a small box of common white cards.  Ugh… I just can’t escape these cards.  I wonder if I could sell them back to the store.

To add insult to the whole deal, there was no land in the box save two swamps.  Really?  Two swamps?  Frig… Did anyone out there play Magic back in the day.  Do you still play and argue over games?

6 Responses to “Left Over Magic”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I actually still play every now and again. There is a card shop down the street from where I live that hosts a tournament every friday night. I’ve gone to them, but have never managed to place high enough to win anything. Those people are really good.

    On a side note, you said that your skills weren’t up to par to do a card illustration earlier. What about now? Maybe do a card that is Random Squirrel Girl, or Gwen, or any other toon babe. They could be cool looking, or naughty, or both! Just throwing out ideas…

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Staggershock and Worldfire makes up a Red “I win!” button. If you had the insane amount of mana to power it. But it’s newer stuff than what you might know,and then there are some of the Planeswalkers.

    But,I don’t really play much. I have friends who never stop playing MTG.

  • JJ Says:

    Yes, I used to play a f*<%-ton Magic during high school. We had a game club that met during lunch and after school. When Magic came out, it pretty much took over the tables. Mostly because of the variety that it offered and the fact that it was easy to pick up and finish a game during school breaks. I gave it up shortly after graduation (I think Ice Age was the thing at that point), gave all my cards to my cousin, and haven't played a game in about 16 years (hell, I feel old). Loved it while it lasted, but I attribute that primarily to the social aspect. One reason why I can't get fully into online gaming is that it isn't personal enough. I'd rather be able to jovially communicate (i.e. talk s@*t) directly to my friends. It just isn't the same with random people.

    Oh, and including two swamps in a box of common white cards is just a dick move (if intentional).

  • AceCS Says:

    I still play to this day. I’ve kept up with it for about a decade now. I’ve had a Standard deck for that whole time and accumulated quite a collection. If you ever get the itch to play again yourself and don’t wanna spend a lot of dough, I’d just go and play the video game, Duels of the Planeswalkers. It’s on PC and just about everything else.

  • ScottyKat Says:

    I still play magic when i can. I run a mono white Myr deck

  • Syranthus Says:

    I still play and have played since ’94 i wish i had known you when you sold them i would have given you way more than 20 bucks

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