Mar 21 2012

3DS Fighting Game Sexy Gallery

So the other day I posted about Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls for the 3DS.  Well what better way to help promote the game then with a  gallery showing some sexy arts.  I’m not sure who the artists are for this or why exactly it was up, but regardless I would have been all over seeing this.  Why… WHY don’t we get things like this over here?!  Check out everything that I was able to find after the link.

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Mar 20 2012

3DS Fighting Game with Nice Assets

So there is this game for the 3DS that had one thing in mind.  Boobies.  The games designer, Kenichiro Takaki, knew this what people wanted to see when it came to 3D games.  Thus, Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls was born.  It’s a beat’em up game that doesn’t hide that fact that the girls all have huge boobs.  In fact, it was designed to be that way!  ~sigh… yet another game that won’t make it over here.  Check out some pics and clip after the link.

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Feb 17 2012

Trapped with a Girl

So wandering around the internets as I often do has turned up this sexy little title for the 3DS.  It’s being published by D3, developed by Intense and is called 女の子と密室にいたら○○しちゃうかもしれない。 or in English (google tanslated English) “This might lead us to the â—‹ â—‹ If you are in a closed room with a girl” (game site).  The basic premiss that at can tell is that is a love/date game where you are trapped in a locked room with girl.  Why you are there and what is beyond the door is not really clear.  What is clear is that these girls you are trapped with (5 in total) have huge boobs.

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Dec 23 2011

3DS Swapnote

So there is this new app on 3DS called Swapnote. It’s this neat little program that will allow you to send messages and drawings via your 3DS. You can even attatch drawings to your messages. Mix this with the Colors 3D paint program that should be out early next year… maybe I’ll do up some exclusive 3DS smutt. If anyone is looking to friend me, my code is 3523-2038-5290. You’ll have to let me know what your code is too though. On a related note, this post was done on my 3DS.

Oct 31 2011

I’m on yer 3DS

So the other day I posted a stereoscopic image of my latest commission.  I can do them quite easily but I know others can’t.  So I went and made it in to a 3DS image.  It came out pretty good too I must say.  I do have to figure out how to make the image with out the 3DS putting in a black fuzzy boarder on the image.  I also had to crop it down a little so you could see the 3d-ness of it.  Now there is also a fan out there that has gone and made stereoscopic image of my old Gwen image.  This wasn’t recently done though, it was done way back in 2008!  I thought I was doing pretty good making this up now… I guess I was wrong. ^_^  I took the liberty to make his a 3DS image too.  Thanks FrankGuru!

So to get the 3DS images, just click on the pictures below and enjoy. ^_^

Oct 31 2011

I'm on yer 3DS

So the other day I posted a stereoscopic image of my latest commission.  I can do them quite easily but I know others can’t.  So I went and made it in to a 3DS image.  It came out pretty good too I must say.  I do have to figure out how to make the image with out the 3DS putting in a black fuzzy boarder on the image.  I also had to crop it down a little so you could see the 3d-ness of it.  Now there is also a fan out there that has gone and made stereoscopic image of my old Gwen image.  This wasn’t recently done though, it was done way back in 2008!  I thought I was doing pretty good making this up now… I guess I was wrong. ^_^  I took the liberty to make his a 3DS image too.  Thanks FrankGuru!

So to get the 3DS images, just click on the pictures below and enjoy. ^_^