Apr 7 2013

My Beasts!

I found my Battle Beasts!  I knew I still had them.  I even still have all the weapons they came with.  Saddly, the moose on the end there had is weapon broken where they where kept.  It looks like he was holding it, but ended up on the bottom of the toy pile which resulted in it being broken.  That sucks, I’ll have to see if I can crazy glue it.  I’m surprised that more arn’t broken really.  These things are about 25 years old.

Do you have any of your old toys?

Apr 6 2013

New Battle Beasts!

Hey!  Have heard the news?  Battle Beasts will be getting some sort of reboot this year!  I remember those toys from when I was young.  They where little anthro/mech animals.  They all had their own unique design and weapon.  I didn’t have a lot of them, but I loved the ones I had.  I always meant to get more off ebay, but I never did.  There are some pretty cool ones out there too like an octopus, rabbit, squid… the list goes on.  I guess Japan will be giving  Battle Beasts a new anime, toys and 3DS game, which is where these guys are from.  Now I need to fine where my toys are.