Oct 8 2012

Gluten Free Thanksgiving

Monday was Canadian Thanksgiving (yes, ours is before the US one, which makes it better).  Normally we travel to see other family members and celebrate with them, but this year we had turkey at home.  What made this turkey day different then most, is my Mom was able to have it with us, but she has celiac disease and can not eat anything with gluten (wheat) in it.  Now, my wife isn’t one to make a few gluten-free dishes and call it done.  No, she will go and find all the food that is safe to eat or ingredient alternatives so that the whole meal will be gluten-free.  That way anyone with a food sensitivity can enjoy every part of the meal and will not feel left out.  She’s so awesome in fact, she makes sure that we don’t have to leave out any traditional parts of the meal.  Absolutely everything is safe to eat.

We had turkey and veggies, ham, pickled beets,  roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes… you know… all the staples.  The crown jewel though is the stuffing in the middle.  I never would have imagined that gluten-free bread would make such awesome stuffing!  It’s seriously the best I’ve ever had.

But wait!  Don’t forget desert!  Yup, that there is some gluten-free ice cream, apple pie with a crumble top and pumpkin pie.  Yup, Wife sure makes an awesome Thanksgiving that everyone can enjoy and if I we didn’t tell anyone, you’d never would have known if was all wheat free.