Sep 10 2012

Iron Chef Returns!

Word on the street is that Iron Chef will be returning to the air waves in Japan this October.  This is totally fantastic news!  I am a HUGE Iron Chef fan.  It’s so much fun to watch.  Although I’m sure our campy English dub helps to make it as entertaining as it is.  The American series of Iron Chef I can do with out.  It just doesn’t do it for me.  I guess it’s not as over the top enough.  Anyway, I did some searching and haven’t found any early trailers or commercials for it yet so I’ll just put up the original opening.  I wonder if they’ll bring back any of the original chefs or have all news ones.  I hope Chairman Kaga hosts it.  It wouldn’t be the same with out him.

Man, if there are new Iron Chefs next month and a new Sailor Moon next spring/summer…  I’m going to be all kinds of happy for the next year. ^_^

May 8 2012

Edwardian Farm

A strange as it my sound, I’m a huge fan of historical documentaries.  I never used to be.  I used to be all about technology and anything modern.  As I got older though I found an appreciation for history.  With that being said, I recently found a show on TVOntario (or BBC) called Edwardian Farm.  It’s a historical documentary where three people lived the lives of Edwardian Farmers (1900 – 1915) in Devon Engalnd. The three people where two archeologists and one historian, so they knew what they where getting in to.  But, they did have to live the way they did back then and keep the farm going and turn a profit.  They took on the all the odd jobs too that farmers would have done to make extra money too.

Every episode showed one month in this experiment so it only ran 12 shows.  During that time there where a whole list of experts that still kept to the old ways to show them exactly how things where done or how to use the antique machines.  It was absolutely amazing to see how things where done and how hard they had to work to survive.  I often would wonder what I would have done if I was alive back then.  I’m not much of a farmer, but I think I could have been an artisan of some sort, metal or wood work of some kind.

Anyway, if you dig historical things I highly recommend you check out the show.  There are actually more to the series.  There is Victorian Farm, which I’ve yet to see, and Victorian Pharmacy.  Which was got me hooked on this whole series.  You can watch other Edwardian Farm episodes here at TVOntario.  Not sure if people outside of Canada can watch these episodes.  I hope so because they are awesome.

Mar 22 2012

The Simpsons

I’ve decided to watch all the episodes of the Simpsons from start to finish.  I used to watch them every Sunday back in the mid 90’s but slowly stopped as college took over.  I knew I’d seen a lot of them but I didn’t know exactly how many full seasons since most where in reruns.  Well I’m in to the 7th season and so far I’ve seen every single episode, which I’m kinda shocked about.  I figured there would be a episode here and there that I would have missed, but so fat that hasn’t been the case.

I thought that watching the first ones would have been really painful, but I quite enjoyed them.  I’ve actually been having a great time rediscovering all the really good episodes.  The one with Blinky the fish or where Marge fights cartoon violence.  I really like the one where Lisa gets a substitute teacher.  Flaming Moe’s is also and awesome episode (you fell on Aerosmith!)  as is the baseball one.  Mr Plow, Homer gets Apu fired, Bart and Lisa play Hockey, Homer’s Mom… I could go on  and on.

Not sure when I’ll get to an episode I haven’t seen.  I imagine it should be in the next season or two.  I know everyone says how bad the writing got, but I haven’t come across it yet.  So far it’s been all aces.  Anyone else out the Simpsons fans?

Feb 12 2012

Boob Tube

So tonight The Walking Dead started up again.  My wife and I have been waiting for it to come back on since it ended in the fall.  We’re kind of on the fence about the show though.  We really liked the first season, but then it was a really slow 1/2 season.  I guess we’ll see how this shapes up and if we’ll continue to follow it.  We really wanted to like this one.

I’m not a huge tv buff but I do have a list of favorites.

  • Fringe – I loved X-Files, so this is right up my alley.
  • Amazing Race – Been a fan since the beginning.  I love seeing different parts of the world.
  • Survivor – Started watching back in the 2nd season.  Can’t seem to stop.
  • Modern Family – Funny, awkward and sometimes painful, but still fun.
  • New Girl – Zooey Deschanel is just too cute not to watch.
  • Top Chef – I love Iron Chef (Japan) and this one is just as good and more down to earth.
  • Canada’s Worst Driver – It’s like a train wreck you can’t turn away from.
  • Canadian Pickers – My Dad make repo furniture and deals in some antiques this appeals to my interests on a personal level.

What shows do you follow on tv?